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View Full Version : Installing TomTom Navigator on flash memory?

03-26-2006, 11:48 PM
I have a 2215 with a 1gb SD card. I'm running low on RAM and have heard that it's okay to install software on the SD card. Has anyone installed TomTom Navigator 5 (or another GPS application) on a SD or CF card and if so do you notice any lags or othr problems. Besides having low RAM I find that when I'm running the TomTom software and want to open Agenda Fusion to check my schedule I sometimes have to click more than onece to open it and it takes 8-10 seconds to finallt open. Would it help things at all to install TomTom (or Agenda Fusion) on the flash memory?
Thanks for your help!

03-27-2006, 08:47 AM
I have TomTom Navigator installed internally on my Acer n311, and I find, as you described, that it seems slow to start up. I usually end up clicking on its icon twice -- I'm not sure if that brings it up, or if it's been starting up already while I'm being impatient.

Once it's loaded, though, wow! Great program.

03-27-2006, 11:08 AM
I agree, the TomTom software is slow to start up but I somewhat expected that, my issues is that while TomTom is running, if I attempt to start another program (e.g. Agenda Fusion) it takes two or three attempts for it to start up. It just feels like on a PC when there's several applications open and you try to open another and it's very sluggish. That's why I wasn't sure if this process would be quicker if TomTom itself wasn't taking up storage memory, thus increasing program memory and the speed when more than one application is open.
Hope this makes sense!