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View Full Version : Full PIM?

03-25-2006, 07:36 AM
Hello, I am new here. Could some one explain to me this? What is the difference between Pocket Informant (full PIM) and Sbp Diary (Today plug in)? Looks the same to me, tho.

03-25-2006, 01:34 PM
Pocket Informant is a full featured and very well designed and supported PIM. SPD Diary is also a very well done program, but it is a Today screen plugin designed to read the Pocket Outlook databases and provide a useful summary and quick editing capabilities from the Today screen.

03-26-2006, 02:23 AM
Is it correct to say that today plug in a summary PIM that allows to read and access the info faster?

03-27-2006, 03:30 AM
If you're asking if a today plugin is faster, then usually only from the standpoint of the information being on the today screen and not having to go through the laborious process of pressing the calendar button. People usually use today screen plugins because they provide a quick summary of upcoming events, tasks, etc. Quick, simple. Some people use them as their PIM apps, but usually they are used in conjunction with full PIM suites (such as Pocket Informant or Agenda Fusion). I'd also like to say that PocketBreeze is an excellent Today screen plugin that works well with either of those PIM suites. (www.sbsh.net) I use it in conjunction with Pocket Informant, personally. I use PocketBreeze so I can have a quick summary of upcoming things when I turn on the PPC. I usually go into Pocket Informant if I want to edit/add stuff.

03-27-2006, 01:05 PM
For what it is worth, I use the same apps - Pocket Informant and Pocket Breeze as described by applejosh.
>>PI - best of breed (IMHO) full featured PIM
>>PB - best of breed (IMHO) Today Screen plug in for summary info

If I had to choose only one, I probably would keep PI for its' more robust functionality (but I find both indispensable and very powerful when working in tandem).


Robb Bates
03-28-2006, 12:05 AM
It might not be clear for some, so I'll just add this:

PI = Pocket Informant, which is a PIM

PIM = Personal Information Manager, which is not neccesarily Pocket Informant.

The built in apps like Inbox, Notes, Tasks, Calendar, etc. are all part of the built in PIM. Pocket Informant is an enhanced version of those built in apps.
