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View Full Version : No Longer Able to Access eBooks

03-17-2006, 08:53 PM
I bought some ebooks 2 years ago. My IPAQ battery went dead for about a year and I just replaced it. I tried to get my ebooks open again and go this error

Microsoft Reader is no longer able to access the book

The books work fine on my desktop. I did update the ROM on my IPAQ when the new battery came. I have tried a hard and soft reset and that did not help.

Does anyone know anything else to try or what causes this?

Also, I have heard Mobi reader is better, can you convert books from MSReader to Mobireader?



03-17-2006, 11:29 PM
Sounds like you need to reactivate the reader. You can probably find instructions for that on the MS Reader website, assuming that they still let you do it.

If you want to convert LIT to anything else, first you need to get it out of LIT format. There's a program that does this. By ridiculous PocketPCThoughts policy, I can't offer you a link to it, but if you do a Google search for "ConvertLIT," you'll find it. It should spit out a nicely formatted HTML file and style sheets. You can read this straight, or convert it to the format of your choice. For book reading, I personally prefer uBook from GowerPoint.com.

03-20-2006, 12:41 PM
Thanks for the information. I did do an activation and even tried downloading the books again.

I will try the conversions you suggested.

