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View Full Version : First time Dell Axim user... what other accessories should I get?

03-17-2006, 02:42 AM
Purchased a Dell Axim x51 this week, and it arrived yesterday, and have been playing around with it for a day or so getting to work with some of my old accessories (Belkin IR keyboard, got that to work with the Windows Mobile 2002 drivers, oddly enough). I also have a Kingston 1GB CF memory card and a Kingston 256MB SD memory card, and am using a set of Senniheiser headphones as I am also using the PDA as a MP3 player. I use a Roots leather carry-all bag that attaches to my belt that can carry my PDA and the keyboard together, plus some wires and batteries. Anything else I should get? I am thinking of dropping by eBay to get screen protectors, are they worth it? Thanks.

Darius Wey
03-17-2006, 02:47 AM
It depends on the type of screen protectors available on eBay. If you settle for something cheap and of low quality, it can be somewhat of an annoyance. You may encounter adhesive residue, bubbles, and scratches. If I were you, I'd look at a WriteSHIELD from Pocket PC Techs. (http://www.pocketpctechs.com/)

Nurhisham Hussein
03-17-2006, 02:51 AM
I wouldn't consider the value of screen protectors to be debatable - they're essential, not optional. Considering the value of the investment you've put in, the extra few dollars is great insurance. And I wouldn't get them from e-bay either - get the best you can afford, like writeshields, as they'll last longer. I used to get these really cheapo screen protectors, but found myself changing them every month - I've used exactly two screen protectors in the last 18 months after switching to Brando Ultra Clears (they're cleanable and reusable).

I'd also consider getting a seperate case (that'll protect the casing, if you're concerned about keeping second hand value), and definitely the VGA-out cable, either from Dell or Pc-Mobile.

Darius Wey
03-17-2006, 02:58 AM
...and definitely the VGA-out cable, either from Dell or Pc-Mobile.

I'll add that the VGA-out cable can only be used with the X51v (and X50v). If you have either the 416MHz or 520MHz X51, the VGA-out cable cannot be used with your device.

03-17-2006, 03:25 AM
How about the ones from Dell? Are they any good?

Darius Wey
03-17-2006, 03:34 AM
How about the ones from Dell? Are they any good?

I've heard they're so-so - much like many other bulk screen protector packs offered by hardware manufacturers. Seriously though, while the amount spent for one WriteSHIELD might equate to twelve generic screen protectors, the former is worth the money spent. I say this from past experience, and I'm sure many other users in this forum would say the same thing.

Patrick Y.
03-18-2006, 07:18 PM
Accessories from Dell are overpriced.

03-23-2006, 04:54 PM
I am on my third pda and have never use a screen protector. I have always owned a really good case to keep it in (Vaja). Never had a scratch or have demaged my pda. (Thanks Vaga!) They make the best case's. :lol:

03-23-2006, 07:05 PM
I always use a screen protector (except on the T5, which seems to be allergic to them). I don't exactly work/live in a completely dust free environment. I scratched the heck out of my IIIxe because dust got caught under the stylus. A wonderful case had nothing to do with it, unfortunately. (I've had Sena Cases, EB Cases, Piel Frama cases, cheap Body Glove cases, etc. over the years, and I still used screen protectors religiously.)

Right now I'm waiting on an extra cradle from Dell. I had it overnighted on Tuesday (ordered around lunchtime, EST), and they apparently picked Airborne for the task. That guy has already been here today, so maybe tomorrow. Regardless, I'm going to call Dell and see if they'll refund some of the "overnight" charges since it's not even close. The order showed as shipped on Tuesday, I got another notice saying it shipped Wednesday with delivery on Thursday, and still nothing. I'm a little disappointed in Dell's shipping choices.

03-23-2006, 07:35 PM
I don't live and work in a dust free environment either. I never had any dust problems with my HP or my Toshiba and Hopefully not my Dell Axim all because of Vaja, the defense rests. :wink:

03-23-2006, 09:30 PM
Fine. But I'd rather plop down $15 for a screen protector than $100's for a new screen/digitizer. It's kind of like my clients who buy a $1000 worth of computer equipment but don't think they need a surge suppressor because they've never been hit by lightning. It's a $20 part for cryin' out loud. To possibly save (or at least insure against) $1000 of equipment.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.