03-14-2006, 10:37 AM
First let me state that I am a COMPLETE newbie to PDAs/PocketPCs. I don't own one, and I haven't really used one either.
I am a programmer/electronics engineer, and I've worked with both embedded systems and Windows (native Win32).
Now I am thinking about buying a cheap GPS-navigator, and I am wondering if it will be possible to create my own applications and get them to run on this device without too much hassle. The device in question is called "Axxion GPS-374", and according to my knowledge this is the system info for this device:
Windows version: WinCE 4.20
Processor: ARM version 4
Platform: ARWEN2.60_ECO_GPSH117
Destinator version 5.1.135
The device can be seen on this page (for as long as the offer is valid):
Question 1: Do you think it will be possible to run other applications on this device? If so, how much hassle? I know the device communicates with Microsoft Activesync, if that helps.
Question 2: Which (if any) of the free development tools can be used to create applications for this system?
eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 ?
eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 - 2002 Edition ?
Any advice will be appreciated!
First let me state that I am a COMPLETE newbie to PDAs/PocketPCs. I don't own one, and I haven't really used one either.
I am a programmer/electronics engineer, and I've worked with both embedded systems and Windows (native Win32).
Now I am thinking about buying a cheap GPS-navigator, and I am wondering if it will be possible to create my own applications and get them to run on this device without too much hassle. The device in question is called "Axxion GPS-374", and according to my knowledge this is the system info for this device:
Windows version: WinCE 4.20
Processor: ARM version 4
Platform: ARWEN2.60_ECO_GPSH117
Destinator version 5.1.135
The device can be seen on this page (for as long as the offer is valid):
Question 1: Do you think it will be possible to run other applications on this device? If so, how much hassle? I know the device communicates with Microsoft Activesync, if that helps.
Question 2: Which (if any) of the free development tools can be used to create applications for this system?
eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 ?
eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 - 2002 Edition ?
Any advice will be appreciated!