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View Full Version : Customizing the welcome screen

03-05-2006, 12:04 PM
Hi Guys,

I am a complete novice to the Pocket PC so please excuse me if I sound dumb about anything.

I only got my iPaq RX 1950 with Windows 5.0 Mobiile last week so it is all very new to me.

I just wanted to ask how I can change the theme on my iPaq. I have seen other iPaqs with different wallpapers and different coloured themes, but mine only seems to have two options which are a bit boring.

Any idea where I can get any free windows themed wallpapers/themes from that are WM5 compatible?

Many thanks


03-05-2006, 02:01 PM
Also, is it possible to size down the wallpaper on a PC so that it fits onto the PPC? If this is possible, what should the size be for an iPaq RX 1950?

Many thanks


Nurhisham Hussein
03-06-2006, 04:04 AM
Try these sites:



though you might have to dig a little to find WM5 compatible themes. If you might want to make your own:


The developer posts here in these forums occasionally as well.

For wallpaper, anything 320x320 will do - that will cater for both landscape and portrait modes, for your iPaq at least.