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View Full Version : Wifi for iPAQ hx2110

03-03-2006, 04:00 PM
I have an iPAQ hx2110 with bluetooth, are there any adapters or anything else that would enable me to connect using a wifi connection?

Darius Wey
03-03-2006, 06:19 PM
Welcome to Pocket PC Thoughts.

The answer is, yes. Because your hx2110 has a CF and SD slot, you can use a Wi-Fi module that fits into either slot. Socket's "Go Wi-Fi!" range (http://www.socketcom.com/product/wlan.asp) is a good example of what's available in the market.

03-03-2006, 08:44 PM
Thank you, I hope to learn a few things here, have had this iPAQ almost a year and just now deciding to actualy use it, pretty handy device for sure. I am assuming that if I purchase a wifi adapter I will be able to access the net from any wifi access point, be it my home network or a public hotspot, is this correct? Thanks again for the info and the welcome.

Darius Wey
03-04-2006, 03:31 AM
I am assuming that if I purchase a wifi adapter I will be able to access the net from any wifi access point, be it my home network or a public hotspot, is this correct?

As long as you have sufficient security privileges. Most public hotspots are encrypted with an encryption key.

03-04-2006, 04:41 AM
Here where I live, it seems there are public and private hotspots galore. I find them absolutely everywhere, and precious few are using any wep or wpa or anything at all.

Darius Wey
03-04-2006, 11:40 AM
Here where I live, it seems there are public and private hotspots galore. I find them absolutely everywhere, and precious few are using any wep or wpa or anything at all.

Be careful, though. Some states/countries have tough laws when it comes to using one's Wi-Fi network without permission - even if it's just for sending a quick e-mail.
