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View Full Version : Are hardware vendors abandoning PPC devices?

02-21-2006, 11:53 PM
From what I've read, most hardware vendors are moving to abandon the PPC market while at the same time only offering 'meager' PPC PE devices that may ultimately be poor replacements for the PPCs that they will replace. I guess i'm a little angry at the offerings out there and 'meager' does not really describe the situation best (for those whose budget just can't afford more hardware). But it seems like the vendors are only targeting the very large pool of the sort of less technically aware 'phone-centered'customer pool, while totally neglecting people who want to have the best in miniature computer equipment with VGA screens that are not half-space compromises, and decent CPU speeds that can support todays media,etc.

Another thing, maybe i'm wrong, but it seems like there may be a natural barrier as to how small a good PPC (PPC PE) should be that is basically determined by the screen size (and resolution to some degree). I'm not sure people are going to want their media to be on the tiniest screens. Its possible that is just more fashionable now, because of the technological coolness of having smaller compact devices.

I know this is a slant toward media users, but believe that media devices will become more important in the future. I currently look at news programs and some video blogs that are quite informative and not at all like most of the infomercial news one gets on many TV sets.

Are the major players making a mistake abandoning PPC devices to produce smaller Communicator devices? Or do you agree that this is even happening? :cry:

02-22-2006, 05:15 AM
Recently, I've personally switched to HPCs. I'd been using PPCs since my iPaq 3635 (and PSPCs since the Uniden Unipro PC100A), and found that I always buy a keyboard for just about every PPC I buy. It was after I realized how little I used my x50v (started collecting dust) that an HPC was right for me. I ended up trading my x50v for a Jornada 728 and haven't looked back.

I used to think the same thing, why PPCs seemed to be getting abandoned more and more. But now I no longer have to worry about that :lol:

On a side note, I'd like to see new PPCs with a dpad & button layout like the Cassiopeia e-1xx PSPCs 8)