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View Full Version : Deleting A "Category" From Calendar/Contacts/Tasks [WM5]

02-19-2006, 05:08 PM
Anyone knows how to delete a "Category" from Calendar/Contacts/Tasks in Windows Mobile 5? I've been through pratically all menus and options but I just can't seem to find the delete feature.

02-20-2006, 10:58 AM
have you tried editing them in your desktop version of outlook. under edit there is an option for category. i cannot try it myself as none of my categories are in the master list.

02-20-2006, 05:34 PM
I did look around in Outlook 2003's "Master Category List" but it didn't have the "Seasonal" category (but is in the Pocket PC though), thus I can't do anything...

02-20-2006, 06:57 PM
i wondered if you could delete it in outlook then when you sync it will be gone off the pda

02-22-2006, 12:50 PM
i wondered if you could delete it in outlook then when you sync it will be gone off the pda
Problem is, like I said before, it's not in Outlook 2003

02-22-2006, 10:03 PM
I did look around in Outlook 2003's "Master Category List" but it didn't have the "Seasonal" category (but is in the Pocket PC though), thus I can't do anything...

Just because your category isn't on the Master Category List doesn't mean you can't display them in Outlook 2003. Here's how:

1. Use any list-oriented view for that category (e.g., Detailed List for Tasks, Active Appointments for Calendar, Notes List).

2. Right-click on any field heading in the Header Bar. Click on "Group By Box" and drag the Categories field onto the Group By box.

Now, you've grouped your entries by each category, whether it's in the Master Category List or not.

Then, when you ActiveSync the next time, it's gone from your PPC.

3. Find the group for the category you want to change

4. Right-click on the category heading. Click on Categories. You'll see the Categories box pop up, and all of the entries in that grouping should also be shaded grey (indicating that they've been selected).

5. In the Categories box, your category name is listed at the top. Make any desired changes and click OK; if you want to delete the entire category, simple delete the category name and click OK. Once there are no records in a given category, it's deleted.

02-23-2006, 06:23 PM
Just because your category isn't on the Master Category List doesn't mean you can't display them in Outlook 2003. Here's how:

1. Use any list-oriented view for that category (e.g., Detailed List for Tasks, Active Appointments for Calendar, Notes List).

2. Right-click on any field heading in the Header Bar. Click on "Group By Box" and drag the Categories field onto the Group By box.

Now, you've grouped your entries by each category, whether it's in the Master Category List or not.

Then, when you ActiveSync the next time, it's gone from your PPC.

3. Find the group for the category you want to change

4. Right-click on the category heading. Click on Categories. You'll see the Categories box pop up, and all of the entries in that grouping should also be shaded grey (indicating that they've been selected).

5. In the Categories box, your category name is listed at the top. Make any desired changes and click OK; if you want to delete the entire category, simple delete the category name and click OK. Once there are no records in a given category, it's deleted.
Tried your every step but the "Seasonal" category is nowhere to be found in my Outlook 2003 but still in my PPC. Can you check if you have that category in your WM5 PPC - create a dummy Tasks > click Category to view the category listings?

02-24-2006, 03:50 PM
Tried your every step but the "Seasonal" category is nowhere to be found in my Outlook 2003 but still in my PPC. Can you check if you have that category in your WM5 PPC - create a dummy Tasks > click Category to view the category listings?

OK, here's what I did. I created a dummy task on Outlook 2003 and typed the new category "Seasonal". Following a save, the category appears in both my groupings on Outlook 2003 and in the Category List on Outlook 2003 with the notation (Not in Master Category List). On my PPC, it shows in the Category List as (not in Category List).

Then, I deleted the Seasonal category listing from the Categories box in the dummy task in Outlook 2003 and synched. The task now has no category, and it appears in the grouping on Outlook 2003 with (none). When my PPC had finished synching, it no longer had the category in the Category List to either select or add/delete.

So, the secret appears to be to force a full ActiveSync session, and the category disappears. If not, then go to another record in the same category, open the Category List on your PPC, and use Add/Delete to eliminate the category shown as (not in Category List), then force another full ActiveSync.

02-26-2006, 01:43 AM
I also do not believe it is possible to delete a category from the PDA while there are any items in that category. FWIW.

02-26-2006, 05:55 PM
FYI, there's no "Delete" (only "New") feature for Category in PPC with WM5. Will try out the add-dummy-task trick in Outlook 2003, then sync and see if it works. Thanks for the sugesstion

03-24-2006, 03:45 AM
Hi there, i'm having the exact same problem. Under the PPC 2003 I could add/delete categories. I installed from HP today the WM5.0 upgrade to my Ipaq 4700. I am getting the same Seasonal categories etc. When I sync with my MS Outlook 2003 (I have 22 categories and every task I add I select a cateogory) when I look at my PPC now with WM5.0 I am only seeing the categories that had task associated. Summary - I need to be able to save the Categories I have on my MS Outlook to my PPC and the HP upgrade is not allowing it, you are only seeing the "new" button in categories and even after you type in a Cat and tap okay or done when you go back in nothing is saved.

Any help given would be greatly appreciated.

04-10-2006, 04:26 PM
OK, here's what I did. I created a dummy task on Outlook 2003 and typed the new category "Seasonal". Following a save, the category appears in both my groupings on Outlook 2003 and in the Category List on Outlook 2003 with the notation (Not in Master Category List). On my PPC, it shows in the Category List as (not in Category List).

Then, I deleted the Seasonal category listing from the Categories box in the dummy task in Outlook 2003 and synched. The task now has no category, and it appears in the grouping on Outlook 2003 with (none). When my PPC had finished synching, it no longer had the category in the Category List to either select or add/delete.

So, the secret appears to be to force a full ActiveSync session, and the category disappears. If not, then go to another record in the same category, open the Category List on your PPC, and use Add/Delete to eliminate the category shown as (not in Category List), then force another full ActiveSync.
Tried the add-then-delete-dummy category as suggested but it didn't work :|

04-10-2006, 04:44 PM
WM5 syncs category labels differently than under the previous OS versions. The only category labels that are synced to your Pocket PC device during each syncing are those that are associated to appointments, tasks, etc. that are synced to your device. So if you have a category label called "Go to Vet" on your device, that means that you have an appointment, tasks, etc. that is synced currently that references that specific category label. Pocket-Outlook under WM5 won't let you delete that category since it is being referenced by a POOM item.

So from my understanding of WM5, that is why you can't delete category labels so easily as you could under the WM 2003 OS. All you can do, is track down any old appointments, tasks, etc. that reference the category label you want to delete and remove them.


04-11-2006, 06:42 PM
WM5 syncs category labels differently than under the previous OS versions. The only category labels that are synced to your Pocket PC device during each syncing are those that are associated to appointments, tasks, etc. that are synced to your device. So if you have a category label called "Go to Vet" on your device, that means that you have an appointment, tasks, etc. that is synced currently that references that specific category label. Pocket-Outlook under WM5 won't let you delete that category since it is being referenced by a POOM item.

So from my understanding of WM5, that is why you can't delete category labels so easily as you could under the WM 2003 OS. All you can do, is track down any old appointments, tasks, etc. that reference the category label you want to delete and remove them.

The thing is, the "Seasonal" category is there (by default) in the Axim X51 since day one but not in Outlook 2003. Also, nothing is associated with that category cos I never used it, ever - appointments, contacts, tasks, notes.