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02-13-2006, 10:09 PM
anyone know how to get the mapquest software on your phone.... i actually was trying to send some instructions to my pda phone from the website then it detected i was on tmobile and told me to go to tzones and click on travel and i could install the software from there to get the instructions but there is no such tab... does anyone know about this and is there any software built for ppc thats better than mapquest?????

02-13-2006, 11:17 PM
anyone know how to get the mapquest software on your phone.... i actually was trying to send some instructions to my pda phone from the website then it detected i was on tmobile and told me to go to tzones and click on travel and i could install the software from there to get the instructions but there is no such tab... does anyone know about this and is there any software built for ppc thats better than mapquest?????www.mapopolis.com

02-18-2006, 01:52 AM
i tried that long ago and for some reason i remebering it not working like it suppose to or not basically the same....

02-18-2006, 02:54 PM
It's not the same; it's better. Mapopolis is a free program (you get the maps with a one-time yearly subscription starting around $35). You load county maps on your PDA or SD card. You can them do everything from find an address to get driving directions, step-by-step, voice prompts, GPS-connection, etc. Plus, you don't have to be connected to the web. I've been using it for several years and even though I have full-time web connection, I use it instead of mapquest when on the road.

02-18-2006, 07:22 PM
It's not the same; it's better. Mapopolis is a free program (you get the maps with a one-time yearly subscription starting around $35). You load county maps on your PDA or SD card. You can them do everything from find an address to get driving directions, step-by-step, voice prompts, GPS-connection, etc. Plus, you don't have to be connected to the web. I've been using it for several years and even though I have full-time web connection, I use it instead of mapquest when on the road.

I transferred my Mapopolis license from Palm OS to PocketPC (with the company's help), and I'm pretty impressed with it. The Palm version was good, but the PocketPC version is a lot better (I'm not saying this is necessarily the Palm OS's fault). Through my academic connections, I managed to legally get a full download of Microsoft Pocket Streets, and it's pretty good too, although I'd probably give the edge to Mapopolis. Also, Pocket Streets has stupid upgrade policies - Microsoft is constantly changing either the desktop version or the handheld version, none of the upgrades are free, and there is virtually no forward or backward compatibility.

02-19-2006, 12:34 AM
Street & Trips is backward compatible. 2002-2005. $15 discount to upgraders & additional/occasional rebates.

Problem is The software has little or no improvement. No directions, no route plan. The difference between 2002 & 2005 is some icons.

02-20-2006, 07:05 PM
Well, the 2004 version cannot read maps from newer versions, nor are updated maps being made available in 2004 format. I don't see any upgrade offer for my particular license.

02-20-2006, 08:27 PM
Well, the 2004 version cannot read maps from newer versions, nor are updated maps being made available in 2004 format. I don't see any upgrade offer for my particular license.
Loading Maps
After you install Pocket Streets, you can load maps on your mobile device. You can choose to load all the maps that are included with Pocket Streets, or you can choose to install only the maps that you plan to use to save storage space. You can also download maps from the Pocket Streets Web site, purchase maps in Pocket Streets (.mps) format from third-party sources, or load maps that have been exported from other products in the MapPoint product family, such as Microsoft Streets & Trips, Microsoft AutoRoute, or Microsoft MapPoint 2002 or later.
Read the manual, it is in there. I have 2001, 2003, 2005. 2003 & 2005 are interoperable. I've personally confirmed that.
There was an upgrade coupon in my 2005....or I remember there being...I'm not about to go dig through my closet.
I could send you 2003 & 2005 maps if you'd like to try it out.

02-22-2006, 12:37 AM
i went from the Treo 650 to HTC Wizard and i really missed Directory Assistant, which utilizes mapquest, on the Palm OS. then i found Virtual Earth 1.5 for the WM5 platform and i liked it even more than Directory Assistant!