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View Full Version : UPDATE WINDOWS IE FOR TREO 700W?

02-10-2006, 07:19 AM
I try to pull up site to view real estate listings on my treo and it says I need to update to a newer version of IE greater than 5.5.

Where can I get an update. Cannot find anywhere.

Also has anyone ran into to this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Darius Wey
02-10-2006, 07:36 AM
I try to pull up site to view real estate listings on my treo and it says I need to update to a newer version of IE greater than 5.5.

Where can I get an update. Cannot find anywhere.

The site is probably detecting your browser's User Agent string. If it doesn't match that of IE 5.5 or above, it will give you that message. The fact is, Internet Explorer on the Pocket PC differs greatly to that on the PC, so you can't really use version numbers as a guideline for updating or not.

You won't be able to update your existing version of Internet Explorer Mobile until Microsoft and Palm decide to release a ROM update for the Treo 700w. What you essentially need is an alternative browser. A couple of examples: Opera for Pocket PC (http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/products/winmobileppc/) and NetFront. (http://www.access-us-inc.com/Products/client-side/Prod_NetFront.html) You can even use NetFront to add your own custom User Agent strings.

02-10-2006, 05:04 PM
thanks for the info.

I was reading that opera runs slower than IE on the 700....is that true or is it the other way around?

Which is the betters option Opera or Net Front?

02-10-2006, 05:42 PM
Which is the betters option Opera or Net Front?

Please keep in mind that the Opera is still in beta
Please see this (http://opera.com/products/mobile/products/winmobileppc/). So there might be some unknown errors. I tested Opera and I found it fast enough

So, if I'd to choose one, I would go in for Netfront

Sunny :)

Darius Wey
02-10-2006, 05:52 PM
I was reading that opera runs slower than IE on the 700....is that true or is it the other way area?

No, Opera is really fast. Its page loading speed is unbeatable. Download the beta and give it a go.

Which is the betters option Opera or Net Front?

I believe Opera is a better option. It's fast and user-friendly. However, NetFront is a solid browser too, so I'd try both out if I were you. You'll need to download the Technical Preview (http://nfppc.access.co.jp/english/about_v33.html) though - it's the only version of NetFront compatible with Windows Mobile 5.0.