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View Full Version : ActiveSync and Verizon's wireless sync

02-09-2006, 12:42 AM
For those of you who have windows mobile 5, a Verizon phone using EVDO, and ActiveSync 4.1, you should be very careful about trying to use both ActiveSync and the Verizon wireless sync. I have corrupted my Outlook PST file several times but I think I finally have both services functioning and living peacefully together.

If you are a heavy user of Outlook, then I would advise that you to not set up the Verizon wireless sync to synchronize calendar, tasks, notes, and contacts. Wireless sync really wants to take over the function of Microsoft Outlook and make you use a web-based PIM (and then turn off ActiveSync altogether).

If you want to use the Verizon wireless sync just to push e-mail to your phone, then it is absolutely critical that you turn off synchronization functionality for calendar, contacts, notes, and tasks on both the wireless sync web site and in the device wireless sync settings menu. Just leave e-mail checked on both the web site and the device. On the device, in the wireless sync menu, enable ActiveSync.

Finally, on the desktop ActiveSync menu, I have disabled e-mail synchronization. ActiveSync will still synchronize calendar, tasks, contacts, notes, and files (plus a couple of other programs) with my phone but will not attempt to synchronize e-mail. When I am in my office, that does not matter because my mail is being picked up by Microsoft outlook on my desktop computer. When I am away from my office, and have shut down Outlook so it does not pick up mail automatically, Verizon's wireless sync pushes e-mail to my phone every 10 minutes or so.

This is the only way I have been able to get the e-mail push functionality to work without totally disabling ActiveSync and without losing total synchronization between my desktop and my phone. I believe that Verizon could have written this software to allow better coexistence between ActiveSync and wireless sync but if there is a way, I have not found it so far.
