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View Full Version : Best 3D GPS Map Software?

02-08-2006, 10:27 PM
I've been using Mapopolis for a couple of years and I'm in the midst of upgrading everything, so before I make a mistake, I was wondering if anyone would offer some insights on their personal experience with 3D packages.

I'm ordering a new Axim and will probably go with a GS BT338 as my iPaq 3970 and Navman 3450 ride off into the sunset.

My Mapopolis is v.3.27 and they are in the v.4.* series now, but it's still 2D from what I understand. But I have to tell you that Mapolpolis works as well as advertised and then some. If you're looking to find 1090 Main St, Williamstown, MA (I'm in western New England) you simply enter that info, tap OK and you'll be voice-guided there to the point that you'll be told what side of the street your destination is on. I've had very, very few mistakes and usually they are due to changes in roads/ramps... but that goes with the territory.

But the thought of a 2D/3D product is intriguing, and while I love Mapopolis, I could easily make 10 suggestions for improvements I'm sure. One of my first would be routing, that is going to destination #1, then automatically having the system plot my course to destination #2 and so through maybe 6 destinations in a day.

I've been reading some of the reviews of various programs, but it's sometimes nice to hear what real-world users experience when they don't have a review deadline to live with :D!