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View Full Version : Missing items on Today page

01-24-2006, 04:56 AM
Hello all, this is my very first post and I desperately need some help to the problem I'm facing with.

After trying out a software - TodayX, in my Windows Mobile 5 unit, I decided it's not what I wanted so I removed it, little would I expect that my Inbox and Lock device plugins were gone along with it!

I looked at Today setting page and the options are not there. I can still live without unread messages indicator, but it is really inconvenient without the lock device function.

Can someone show me the way to add them back into my Today's page?

Thanks in advance!

Nurhisham Hussein
01-24-2006, 05:01 AM
I'd suggest reinstalling it and uncheck all the today items in TodayX's settings. It looks like it's not even compatible with WM2003, much less WM5.

01-24-2006, 05:15 AM
Hello hishamh

Thank you for responding. I have tried what you suggested, it didn't restore my old items.

I'm thinking can I possibly look at someone else's registry and add the item back in through there? Do you think it will work?

01-24-2006, 06:14 AM
It's possible. After all, I believe it was hishamh who helped me when I lost my Owner Info plugin. :rock on dude!:

I don't have a WM5 device, so it's possible the registry exports from my device could wreak havoc with yours as the Inbox plugins have different wording from WM2k3 -> WM5 and WM2k3 devices don't even have the Lock Device plugin.