01-21-2006, 12:16 AM
Any software for the PPC (best if WM5 compatible) that would allow me to quickly copy/save text clips? When I'm reviewing a big batch of mail messages, I often want to clip text or URL for review later. A utility that allows me to copy multiple times before I paste into a note or word doc, or better yet, a utility that dumps selected text into a store would be great? Do these exist? Would beat the copy, switch to Word, paste, switch back shuffle.
(Alameda, CA)
Any software for the PPC (best if WM5 compatible) that would allow me to quickly copy/save text clips? When I'm reviewing a big batch of mail messages, I often want to clip text or URL for review later. A utility that allows me to copy multiple times before I paste into a note or word doc, or better yet, a utility that dumps selected text into a store would be great? Do these exist? Would beat the copy, switch to Word, paste, switch back shuffle.
(Alameda, CA)