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View Full Version : SyVoice Enables Wireless VoIP for Windows Mobile-based Devices

Darius Wey
01-18-2006, 08:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.sychip.com/PUB/SyVoiceCES.pdf' target='_blank'>http://www.sychip.com/PUB/SyVoiceCES.pdf</a><br /><br /></div><i>"SyChip, the leader in Radio Frequency Chip Scale Modules (CSM), today announced the VWLAN7100 wVoIP module, the first in its SyVoice family of products for mobile handsets, now enables Windows Mobile-based devices wireless VoIP functionality with talk times up to eight hours and stand-by time of more than 100 hours... SyVoice is a complete end-to-end voice over wireless LAN solution that can be quickly integrated into mobile handsets to support the emerging dual-mode cellular and local area networks. SyVoice is a plug-n-play solution that combines a VoIP processor and an 802.11g WLAN modem, including all the hardware, Windows Mobile drivers and software necessary to add VoIP and data functions to a standard cell phone or PDA. SyChip measurements show that the SyVoice VoIP engine consumes less than 15mA of power during a VoIP call. The total solution including the WLAN consumes only 150mA allowing a PDA, Smart phone or VoIP phone talk times of eight hours with a standard 1200mAh battery."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/wey-20060118-VWLAN7100.jpg" /><br /><br />The VWLAN7100 was announced at CES a couple of weeks ago, pledging full support for Windows Mobile. The low-power module combines a VoIP processor and an 802.11g WLAN modem, effectively allowing Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC Phones and Smartphones dual-mode operation in cellular and wireless VoIP environments. It should already be available to manufacturers at $19 per unit in volumes of 100,000 (bargain!).