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View Full Version : jasjar pproblems

01-14-2006, 03:59 PM
I have bought the imate jasjar from expansys last december.

During the last days the device is unusable. Battery lasts 5-10 minutes although its charged for hours, and when i open the device the whole system is unresponsive. Most times, it will not open at all.

I have downloaded the new rom from the imate website and installed it but the problem still exists.

Can you please inform me on what might be wrong?

Darius Wey
01-14-2006, 05:27 PM
Problem still exists even after a ROM update? Definitely sounds like a hardware defect then. You probably should contact i-mate and/or Expansys to get it fixed/replaced.

01-14-2006, 10:17 PM
i have contacted imate tech rep, through the 'live suport' function on their website, by contacting them through telephone, and by sending my imei number and contact details through e-mail.

after 4 days still no responce in when the will collect the jasjar, or instractions on where and how to send it! :devilboy:

Darius Wey
01-15-2006, 03:46 AM
after 4 days still no responce in when the will collect the jasjar, or instractions on where and how to send it! :devilboy:


I suspect you bought it from the USA branch of Expansys? If so, read this page. (http://www.expansys-usa.com/customerservice.asp) It contains instructions on returning/exchanging faulty goods.

Janak Parekh
01-15-2006, 05:29 AM
BTW, and this may be an obvious suggestion, but it's worth asking -- I assume this problem still persists after a hard-reset, with no third-party apps installed?


Darius Wey
01-15-2006, 05:54 AM
BTW, and this may be an obvious suggestion, but it's worth asking -- I assume this problem still persists after a hard-reset, with no third-party apps installed?

I'd assume that is the case. aamexas downloaded and installed a new ROM, which essentially forces a hard-reset.

01-15-2006, 11:58 AM
i have bought the jasjar from the greek branch of expansys.

can expansys help or will they just redirect me to imate again?

Darius Wey
01-15-2006, 04:39 PM
can expansys help or will they just redirect me to imate again?

It depends when in December you purchased it. If it hasn't yet been 21 days, then you can follow the instructions as outlined on this page here: http://www.expansys.com.gr/customerservice.asp

If 21 days has already passed, then you should contact i-mate directly. If they haven't responded by e-mail or phone, pester them again. Sometimes, persistence pays off with this kind of thing.