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View Full Version : Keeping shortcuts when changing between SD cards

01-11-2006, 05:02 PM
I was given a second SD card for Christmas find myself regularly changing between my two cards. One outcome of this I have noticed is that where I have installed an app. (in this case, Laridian Pocket Bible) onto one of the cards, when I take that card out, the icon associated with the link in my start menu gets replaced with a generic Windows icon. I have told MemMaid to stop deleting the link entirely, but I can't stop the icon link being messed with. Oddly, its just the icon associated with the link stored in Windows/Start Menu which is affected. The (exactly similar) one stored in Windows/Start Menu/Programs seems to survive OK.

Any ideas as to how I can prevent this?

01-11-2006, 11:18 PM
Copying and pasting the links FROM Windows/Start Menu/Programs TO Windows/Start Menu should keep them intact between cards.

01-11-2006, 11:29 PM
Thanks bmhome1. That's what I am doing. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to keep the Start Menu link intact and having to recopy after every SD card change it getting pretty tedious.

01-12-2006, 07:24 AM
I'd guess that it has something to do with the fact that the Start Menu is typically accessed more often than the Start Menu\Programs folder. I'm not sure about Windows Mobile, but desktop Windows uses a file called (iirc) shelliconcache (no extension). The way it works on the desktop is that that file caches the shell icons ( :duh: ) of recently-accessed shortcuts.

When the icon in the Start Menu is being accessed by the OS/user more often than the icon in Start Menu\Programs, the former will be refreshed more often than the latter, causing the icon for that shortcut to go away quicker.

01-12-2006, 07:51 AM
when I take that card out, the icon associated with the link in my start menu gets replaced with a generic Windows icon. I have told MemMaid to stop deleting the link entirely, but I can't stop the icon link being messed with

Just uncheck "Dead Shortcuts" in the "advance cleaner" tab


01-12-2006, 11:26 AM
Sunny - I have done that too, but thanks for pointing it out in case I had missed it.

ctmagnus - I can't find the similar cache in WM2003SE, but the problem seems to have gone away now. I suspect that bmhome1 was right and copying the link from the (as you pointed out) less volatile, and always present, programs folder was the answer. I was probably too quick to say that that solution hadn't worked.

Everyone who helped - thank you so much. This is a great community :D (any chance we could admit that Thanksgiving and Christmas are over and get back to the 'normal' smilies? :) )

Darius Wey
01-12-2006, 12:14 PM
Everyone who helped - thank you so much. This is a great community :D (any chance we could admit that Thanksgiving and Christmas are over and get back to the 'normal' smilies? :) )

Actually, we've regressed to the normal smilies for weeks now. I suspect your browser is still feeding off old cache, so try clearing it and re-downloading the new (old? :P) smilies.