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View Full Version : setting up ring tones and alarms

01-10-2006, 04:17 AM
OK - how in the world do you set up a ring tone or alarm to a file that you download?

Here is the situation - I've downloaded some bugle calls (OK retired army ranger - old habits die hard- HOOAH) in mp3 file format but when I try to select ring tones or alarms - they don't show - even when I've placed them in the same directory as the included files... Looks like the included files (sound) are either .WAV or MIDI files - and all located in the /Windows directory.

Isd this something thta Verizon did? not allowing users to customize their own ring tones or alarms with their own files (sounds)? or am I missing something with the Windows 5 mobile?

Darius Wey
01-10-2006, 04:40 AM
It's usually the case that WAV, MID, and WMA files are used as ring tones (by default) and any custom ring tones should be placed in \Windows\Rings.

If you wish to use MP3s, you can try Ringo Mobile. (http://www.electricpocket.com/products/ringo-mobile.html)

01-11-2006, 01:41 AM
I'm using an .mp3 as a ringtone without a problem. You have to import it (for lack of a better term) into the ringtone directory.

Start > Settings > Personal > Sounds & Notifications > Manage > Menu > Add > [find the file you want] > Hit the 'Select' soft key.

It should now appear in your list of available ring tones.

Darius Wey
01-11-2006, 04:43 AM
I'm using an .mp3 as a ringtone without a problem. You have to import it (for lack of a better term) into the ringtone directory.

Start > Settings > Personal > Sounds & Notifications > Manage > Menu > Add > [find the file you want] > Hit the 'Select' soft key.

That's an OEM modification. The options you presented aren't in Windows Mobile 5.0 by default, unfortunately. Maybe it's in the Treo 700w - I haven't had a play around with it yet.

01-12-2006, 10:38 PM
thanks - but on the treo 700w the ring tones and the alarms (standard with the device through verizon) are in the /Windows directory. I notice that their is a /Windows/Rings directory as well - empty though.

But guess what happens when I add audio files in there - yup, I can select the ringtone I want - woo hoo.

1 problem solved

The alarms problem - I guess I am going to have to convert the mp3 files to .wav because I still can't get the alarm drop-down to find the mp3 file.

So in order to convert mp3 files I'm going to have to get a converter from mp3 to .wav - any recommendations?

Darius Wey
01-13-2006, 04:31 AM
thanks - but on the treo 700w the ring tones and the alarms (standard with the device through verizon) are in the /Windows directory. I notice that their is a /Windows/Rings directory as well - empty though.

But guess what happens when I add audio files in there - yup, I can select the ringtone I want - woo hoo.

Actually, that applies to all Pocket PC Phone Editions. The default rings are stored in the \Windows directory as system files. Any additional rings that you want to add goes in the \Windows\Rings directory.

The alarms problem - I guess I am going to have to convert the mp3 files to .wav because I still can't get the alarm drop-down to find the mp3 file. So in order to convert mp3 files I'm going to have to get a converter from mp3 to .wav - any recommendations?

Well, there are many applications available which do this sort of thing. For starters, you could use Windows Movie Maker. Import an MP3, and then save the file as a WAV.

01-13-2006, 03:02 PM
You can do that with Movie Maker? COOL! 8)

I'll give that a shot tonight and let you know how thta goes - thanks

Darius Wey
01-13-2006, 03:34 PM
You can do that with Movie Maker? COOL! 8)

I should mention that Windows Movie Maker will save as a WMA file, not a WAV file. But the key point is WMA is still usable as a ring tone, so it probably won't be an issue for you.

I'll give that a shot tonight and let you know how thta goes - thanks

Hope it all works out. :)

Joseph Moon
05-29-2006, 05:00 PM
Does anyone know how to attach a specfic ringtone to a person in the phonebook?

I am using Pocket Informant 5 as my contacts interface...


...Minutes Later...

Okay, found it - it only took two weeks... When editing a contact within PI5, many optional fields and truned OFF. You can add/TURN ON additional fields and assigning a ringtone is one of them...