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View Full Version : Verizon Wireless Sync

01-10-2006, 01:37 AM
Has anyone tried installing and using the Verizon Wireless Sync program for email use and enabled push? I've found it to be fairly flaky. My email is showing up on Verizon's servers withour any problems becaue I can log in using a web browser and see the new mail. However, it doesn't always get pushed down to my device. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Also, the sync program that runs all of the time keeps the data connection open all of the time which seems to make my battery run down pretty quickly.

01-10-2006, 04:03 AM
yeah - I'm dissapointed with it as well - I was looking to use this more as a tool to consolidate the various personal accounts i have - hotmail, gmail and yahoo - but was dissapointed to see that hotmail AND msn mail are not "yet" supported - I knew about yahoo - have to buy the service...

Sop I wondering where the value is and what it really does work with...

01-10-2006, 04:08 AM
I'm giving 4smartphone a 15 day trial because I was so disappointed in Verizon's wireless sync.

01-10-2006, 04:09 AM
Please let me know how thta works for you and what email (types) of accounts you are setting up - I ahve been seriously thinking about doing the same with the same company...

01-10-2006, 06:06 AM
I'd be curious as to what problems you're seeing. I set up the Verizon service with our Exchange box and while I admit that I had to dink with it a bit, since I did it's worked annoyingly well. I'm on the other side I guess, in that I'm having to build new filtering rules just so that my phone doesn't annoy the heck out of me :-)

That said I'm in an EVDO area during working hours and a 1xRTT during non-working and it looks like battery life is getting a hammering while on 1xRTT.


01-11-2006, 02:33 PM
Please let me know how thta works for you and what email (types) of accounts you are setting up

Their service definitely works as advertised. Their setup instructions are top notch, so getting everyting going is a breeze. I have it setup to pull mail from my POP3 account and then push it to my phone as soon as a new message arrives. Their service polls my POP3 account for new mail every 15 minutes. They recommend forwarding all of your POP3 mail to their servers, but I didn't do that during my trial period. New messages arrive on my pone quickly and unlike Verizon's wireless sync, all new messages show up on my device.

Now for the things I don't like, and none of it is 4smartphone's fault. Since the mystical push email patch was not included with the 700w, 4smarthphone uses an SMS trigger to tell the phone a new message has been received. This starts an active sync session and the new mail is downloaded. While this works well, it counts as an SMS on my account. Since I'm only allowed 50 non Verizon SMS each month, overages are guaranteed. The other probelm is that the 700w does not terminate the data connection after doing a sync and receiving new messages. The connection does go idle, so I can receive phone calls, but it's still active. I spend the majority of my time in a 1x area and my battery runs down quickly. I can barely make through a day on a full charge.

Because of the extra charges for SMS and constant data connection running my battery down I won't be subscribing to their service when my trial is up. I will definitely take a look at it again when (if) Verizon ever releases the patch enabling true email push.

01-11-2006, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the feedback. Looks like I may not try that approach after all...

I'm curious about what you said in regards to the push client - apparently global office is not having any issues - Did you have to have your exchange server administrator do anything special to support this push through verizon?

I know about the desktop client but I cannot install on my work PC (no rights) and too much red tape to have that added to my image.

01-12-2006, 06:25 AM
I can't say I'm not having any issues, it works, but causes issues of it's own..

I have (or will now say*had*) push set up utilizing the Verizon Intellisync client running on a desktop in the office. Issue I had is that I'm an IT admin, so I get undeliverable messages from the email servers, batch job statuses, system alerts, etc to my inbox. All in all average is 800 or so message a day in traffic. I have extensive rules set up to move stuff out of the inbox to various places, but that caused issues of it's own.

The Verizon client would see a state change in the Inbox any time a mail passed through it, and every time it did it would initiate a push sync on the phone. Not just if something stayed in the Inbox, any time a mail passed through. Due to the high volume of traffic, the phone was in an almost constant state of sync. Add to that - yes indeed, it never drops the 1xRTT call, so battery life gets hammered.

That said, if you're on a 1xRTT net the phone will shuttle a voice call to voicemail if it's in the middle of a sync. This isn't a viable option for me. As a result I had to drop push, and now I'm trying a different track in that I'm rulesetting the things I need to know about instantly to send an alert to a SMS gateway, then I'll manually sync to get more detailed info out of the inbox. I just got that all set up today, I'll let you all know how it works.


01-12-2006, 02:06 PM
Just to clarify my setup when I tried Verizon wireless sync. I only used it for email and it was my person ISP mail account. I did not install the desktop software, I just set up my account in the VZW sync page to poll my POP3 account for new mail. The new mail always showed up when I logged into Verizons set up page, it just didn't make it to my phone. And yes, I did have push enabled on the wireless sync software on the phone.

01-24-2006, 03:49 AM
Loaded and was a few gltches and called data customer support. Downloaded the new wireless sync software from a internal site, I do not remember it, after that , no issues. The push times are way faster. I would recommned calling customer support to ensure that you have the latest wireless sync software

01-25-2006, 05:54 PM
Hi all,

I just got the Palm Treo 700w and read in this that MSN/Hotmail are not supported and also learned that quickly when I was on the Verizon site wireless sync, of course cute that they broadcast this now and not before the sale. :-) Does anyone know if they announced when it will be? It is bizarre that it is not since the partnership was based on Microsoft/Treo and Verizon together.

The other question is I try and sync up using Wireless sync on my PC to leave my outlook on. I have MSN using Outlook LIVE in my Outlook 2003 software and it does not sync. I know MSN is not supported but I also have a Comcast POP set up in my email accounts and would have thought this would grab it.

Any thoughts AND or work arounds on getting your Outlook calendar to sync to your Treo 700w?

Nice to see this forum! :-) Keep up the good site
