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View Full Version : Speed Dial Shortcuts - I don't want them all on the Today Screen

01-09-2006, 07:43 AM
Anyone figure out how to shrink the amount of "speed dial" rows that appear on the Today screen regardless of how many speed dial entries you have loaded?

Treo 650 have a "similar" function by only exposing a certain number of rows based on your preferences.

I want a bunch of short cuts without the expense of screen real estate. Maybe I can just turn-off the today screen app.


01-10-2006, 04:11 AM
I haven't found out how to do that yet - but I was able to remove the itmes completely from my today screen - have you been able to do that?

01-12-2006, 05:44 PM
Did anyone find a solution to this? I would like to do the same thing, but I can't find a way to remove the buttons (other than removing it completely from the today screen).
