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View Full Version : Could It Be - An Open And Honest Review Of The 700w By A PalmOS User From A Major Publication?

Ed Hansberry
01-06-2006, 09:00 PM
<a href="http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1146535,00.html">http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1146535,00.html</a><br /><br /><i>"<b>Microsoft and Palm's Wondrous Offspring</b> - The company formerly known as Palm is Palm again, having ditched that confusing PalmOne moniker at the same time that it pretty well ditched the Palm operating system. Though it still sells many Palm OS devices, its most eagerly anticipated product in years, the Treo 700w, is built around Windows Mobile 5.0. I got my hands on one not too long ago, and I like what I saw. Like many who appreciated the Palm OS, I was a little leery of Palm's new promise, merely to add value to Microsoft's widely used platform. However, the bonus features Palm has built into the new Treo add up to a whole new, improved version of Windows Mobile. Earlier Windows Mobile devices may have forgotten they were phones; this Treo, like past Treos, puts calling first."</i><br /><br />After reading some of the reviews of the 700w in major publications, it seems many of the reviews were written, at least in their heads, filled with preconceived notions and copying and pasting from their clip library of "PalmOS vs Windows Mobile" cliches, before they had the device. Then they filled it with tap counting or found one particular PalmOS feature they liked and blasted the Windows Mobile device because it works differently in that regard.<br /><br /><i>"Overall, the pairing seems to be a good one. Palm is bringing some of the warmth of the Palm OS to the coldly businesslike Windows Mobile platform, and getting a ride to the top of the corporate ladder in the process. My guess is that Palm will sell plenty of these, and that Microsoft will be happy about it."</i><br /><br />Basically, I would agree with that sentiment. I am sure over the coming days and weeks, we'll start to see seriously in depth reviews of people with devices purchased at retail that have used them for a few days rather than a cursory overview to be the first out of the box with a review. Of course, the real review will be in several months after sales have been assessed.

01-06-2006, 09:18 PM
While its not shocking that the mainstream review media dislikes anything with Microsoft stamped on it, I still feel that the 700W's fiercest critics will be veteran Windows Mobile users and not former Palm or brand-new-to-PDA users.

Foo Fighter
01-06-2006, 09:24 PM
I've only had this review unit for a couple hours now, but based on what I've seen so far, some of the "negative" reviews I've read...mainly Uncle Walty Mossberg and David "Palmy" Pogue are now somewhat questionable. For example, what is this crap (I can call it crap now that I have a 700w in hand) I keep hearing about poor one-handed navigation support? I haven't found a use for the stylus yet. Nothing I have seen yet requires me to whip out the stylus and begin tapping. Could it be that Mossy and David are simply unfamiliar with the Windows Mobile interface? Hmm? I'm thinking that's may be the case, especially if they're not used to the window closing button (OK), which is how you exit applications instead of tapping the (x) found in the upper right corner of application windows.

The 700w improves upon the 650 in some areas, and falls behind in others. I have a Treo 650 to compare the 700w to side by side, which will help immensely in my review. One thing that I was pleasantly surprised with is the display, which is actually much better than the 650's. It's somewhat brighter (not much), but the colors are much richer and vibrant by comparison. The 650 has a noticeable blue tint to the screen that I hadn't noticed until comparing it side by side with the 700w. And I'm very pleased to report that the lower resolution isn't nearly as noticeable as you might otherwise think. The smaller screen size packs pixel together more tightly, so the screen looks less pixilated, and rather sharp...even standing next to the 650.

One big disappointment I found is that audio quality through the headphone jack is pure suckage. Music sounds flat and weak. Oddly enough, the Treo 650 sounds fantastic. Someone really screwed up here, given that Windows Mobile is SUPPOSED to be the multimedia champ. Sorry, but this round goes to the lightweight.

That said, I really like what I see here, and I expect the 700w to be a big hit...once it becomes widely available through OTHER carriers.

01-06-2006, 09:35 PM
picked mine up last night and I am loving it - two "complaints" - ok maybe three...

1. The lack of availble memory in devices that we typically see come out today - while I ahven't run into anything yet, I still haven't been doing enough with it - I just notice that there is a whole lot less memory availble to the user on this device than on my Dell or Ipaq. I look forward to hearing the announcement from PPCTechs regarding a solution to that delima...

2. I also subscribed to the all you can eat data plan from verizon and was happy to see that through verizon I can set up push capability from not only my 2 coporate accounts but my personal accounts as well - very cool - only to find out that verizon's service does not support MSN or Hotmail accounts "as of yet" - bummer - especially since this is a microsoft device - hmmm

3. Cool cases - sigh. I'd like a nice flip case - is that asking too much?

01-06-2006, 10:18 PM
One big disappointment I found is that audio quality through the headphone jack is pure suckage. Music sounds flat and weak. Oddly enough, the Treo 650 sounds fantastic. Someone really screwed up here, given that Windows Mobile is SUPPOSED to be the multimedia champ. Sorry, but this round goes to the lightweight.

dont count it out yet. When i first got my 50v it was the worse thing ever. I couldn't belive how the audio was for a ppc....but after a day or two of searching...there was a 3rd party company who made an EQ to tweak it. And needless to say the dell is the best sounded ppc i've owned. Im used to ipaqs and they have a bass and trebble setting in the settings sections. This was true with my 6515....i swear this 6515 sounds better than those ipods! So chick out the audio settings and see if theres anything. If not...just hang tight...im sure some one will make something for you to bring out the true shine in it's audio....as they did with my dell.

(my 6515 is waaay better than your treo :) )
sorry i couldn't help it lol.

Ed Hansberry
01-06-2006, 10:47 PM
1. The lack of availble memory in devices that we typically see come out today - while I ahven't run into anything yet, I still haven't been doing enough with it - I just notice that there is a whole lot less memory availble to the user on this device than on my Dell or Ipaq. I look forward to hearing the announcement from PPCTechs regarding a solution to that delima...
If you want to see big numbers in RAM, then yeah, you need to wait for PPC Techs. If you want to just use the device, try NOT looking at RAM usage for a few days and honestly see if you notice. I have been very pleased with my K-Jam, even though it gets periously close to 2-3MB free sometimes, I honestly don't notice in actually using the device.

01-06-2006, 11:22 PM
If you want to just use the device, try NOT looking at RAM usage for a few days and honestly see if you notice.

Now that's some good advice! Last night when I picked up my 700w I was constantly looking at the amount of free RAM. Today I decided I was just going to load it up with my apps and use it like I used to use my Axim. The result, so far so good, no problems yet. I actually think the Treo is quicker opening apps than my Axim was. Now if I start watching movies that would be a different story. So far I'm really liking this device.

01-07-2006, 12:05 AM
performance-wise I have not run into a problem with anything - just out of curiosity I looked at the ram and noticed that it feels a bit odd with so little availible, but we'll see how things go as I really start to put it to use.

I don't preceive that there will be any issue for the day to day user but I like to consider myself (ahem) a wee bit of a power user and would like to have that extra space (someday). Who knows maybe I'm off base here and maybe the OS (mobile 5) really is smart about managing the free space - only time will tell :D

But this is one COOL 8) device and I am lovin' it - woo hoo!

Ed Hansberry
01-07-2006, 12:12 AM
performance-wise I have not run into a problem with anything - just out of curiosity I looked at the ram and noticed that it feels a bit odd with so little availible, but we'll see how things go as I really start to put it to use.
I think that is a critical error I committed when I got my first WM5 device to.

Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this. {swings hand into side of head}

Doctor: Then don't do that!

If it makes you all squeamish to see how little RAM there is sometimes, don't look at the memory icon. :D
But this is one COOL 8) device and I am lovin' it - woo hoo!

01-07-2006, 02:23 AM
The underlying theme to virtually every review I've read so far (particularly from users who came from an earlier Treo model) is that the usability/one handed operation just isn't there yet. Definitely better than other Windows Mobile smartphones, but not as good as Palm Treos. I know some think it's silly to count taps and the like, but it's this attention to detail in the usability department that helped make the Treo so popular in the first place.

As a former Treo 600 user, I was constantly amazed at the little usability things that were built-in to every app on the device. I often found myself thinking, "hey, they DID think of that!" while using it. How often do you get that reaction from most software nowadays??

Maybe not surprisingly, one of the best features of the 700w software-wise is the Today screen - which of course was designed by Palm themselves...

01-07-2006, 02:37 AM
The underlying theme to virtually every review I've read so far (particularly from users who came from an earlier Treo model) is that the usability/one handed operation just isn't there yet. Definitely better than other Windows Mobile smartphones, but not as good as Palm Treos. I know some think it's silly to count taps and the like, but it's this attention to detail in the usability department that helped make the Treo so popular in the first place.

As a former Treo 600 user, I was constantly amazed at the little usability things that were built-in to every app on the device. I often found myself thinking, "hey, they DID think of that!" while using it. How often do you get that reaction from most software nowadays??

Maybe not surprisingly, one of the best features of the 700w software-wise is the Today screen - which of course was designed by Palm themselves...

Today is designed by Palm?

01-07-2006, 02:50 AM
The underlying theme to virtually every review I've read so far (particularly from users who came from an earlier Treo model) is that the usability/one handed operation just isn't there yet. Definitely better than other Windows Mobile smartphones, but not as good as Palm Treos. I know some think it's silly to count taps and the like, but it's this attention to detail in the usability department that helped make the Treo so popular in the first place.

As a former Treo 600 user, I was constantly amazed at the little usability things that were built-in to every app on the device. I often found myself thinking, "hey, they DID think of that!" while using it. How often do you get that reaction from most software nowadays??

Maybe not surprisingly, one of the best features of the 700w software-wise is the Today screen - which of course was designed by Palm themselves...

Today is designed by Palm?

The Today screen on the Treo 700w is.

01-07-2006, 03:06 AM
The Today screen on the Treo 700w is.

Not exactly. They added a couple of plugins, but 90 plus percent is still the default Windows Mobile Today screen.

Darius Wey
01-07-2006, 03:30 AM
3. Cool cases - sigh. I'd like a nice flip case - is that asking too much?


Is that cool enough? 8) I'll get a front-page post going shortly on all the Treo 700w accessories available.

Jeff NYC
01-07-2006, 03:33 AM
"The Today screen on the Treo 700w is."

Speaking of... anyone with a 700w try skinning the Today screen with some of the nicer packs out there (ie. Junni's Black &amp; White)?

Also, has anyone added on Pocket Plus or Pocket Breeze? Lakeridge says WisBar Adv 2 for WM 5.0 will be out on Jan 7th- tomorrow!

Any input on the above would be appreciated. My 700w comes tomorrow from biz channels and I am now going to decide between the 700 and the Samsung i730 I have had for a few weeks. Trade offs here and there.

Screen shots would also be very cool... thanks. :lol:

01-07-2006, 05:04 AM
Hey folks. 650 wearing guy here. That Time review really was a good one, if for no other reason being that it talked not so much about the technical items, but the tweaks that someone in the market for a Treo but not too technically minded would want to know. Small touches go a long way in that respect.

I know the common sentiment is that Palm doing this with WinMob is a good thing. Heck I think so too, thats why my 650 has a program called Facer (www.pocketcraft.com) that emulates the today screen and a few other things the PalmOS doesnt do from default. I like that part, and the fact that its implemented with a few clicks and 5way in mind mean that I can keep enjoying it and get things done. I dont see that yet with WinMob. Its close, but when those number of taps gets down, then we can say that things are much better over here (ok, so maybe they are, but I like my Palm better for my needs).

Congrats to all with 700ws and welcome to having a Palm (again in many cases).