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View Full Version : Rebuilding my PDA environment - Learning point and request for advice.

12-24-2005, 03:15 PM
Well, I killed my trusty friend (Xda2s) of one year by dropping it which zapped the screen. O2 insurance kindly sent me a new one but using Sprite Backup to restore everything to it turned out not to work: The new one has a slightly different ROM image and new items like WMP10 (yaay!) and restoring the old image messed up a bunch of stuff. So, I hard reset and started over, re-installing app. by app.. Nearly there now (it's a tedious process) and I have a learning point and a plea for help:

Learning Point
Before I waved goodbye to my old Xda2s, I copied everything from the BIS to my PC. When I got the new one I copied it all back. I checked a few things to make sure the copy had gone OK and then deleted the files on my PC. Then I realised that stuff had only got copied back to one folder deep, i.e. /Storage/Folder 1/files. Everything below that (and I had a fair bit of data below that) was nixed. Unfortunately, I run a washer on my PC so everything I had deleted was really gone - I tried running a file restore app. but to no avail. Oh well. Don't repeat my mistake.

I'm still running IMAP4 (until Exchange ActiveSync gets enabled on our servers next March). I have set this up again and it all appears to work, in that I get all the right progress messages at the bottom of the screen, but I'm just not getting any mail. Now, I know that there is mail in my Outlook inbox because I can deal with it on my PC, it just isn't getting to my PDA. Neither am I able to sync any folders, or indeed to identify any folders to sync.. I have been through and through the set up and I can't spot the problem. Does anyone out there have any suggestions? I would be grateful.

Merry Christmas!

Martin. :D