View Full Version : Please help! Import email to outlook?
12-20-2005, 11:57 PM
Ok, I've been using my PDA(WM2003) to get and download email from my pop3 account. Have a little problem here now... How in the world do I sync all of my devices email with my desktop computer? I mean, how to I switch it over so that it will be in Outlook? Is there a program that will do this or is there something thing I have to do?
If I'm just retarded, please slap me. One more not, all the email is located in a POP3 account folder on my PDA and Pocket Outlook wont let me just move the email over to the ActiveSync folder so that I can transfer it to my computer... So yeah... I'm lost on this one.
If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.
12-21-2005, 01:16 AM
i havent messed with this in a long time, so my advice may be out of date - there may be a better solution.
What I would recommend is to set the ppc to not delete email from the pop3 server after downloading to your ppc.
then on the outlook on your computer, set it to remove email from the pop3 server after downloading.
so when you get mail on the ppc, it stays on the server and when you run outlook on the desktop it removes it from the pop3, now both devices have it. if you get it on your desktop first though, you will not get it on the ppc.
maybe the best way to make this work is to try an imap email account instead. what this does is it stores all your email on the server so it is equally available on all computers and such. I am not positive, but i think you can get offline copy of your imap email for your pocket pc which updates whenever you check for new mail.
just some thoughts, again - im no expert on this.
12-21-2005, 03:46 AM
I thought he was asking how to transfer e-mails that he has already downloaded, and presumably already deleted from the server.
I know ActiveSync has an Inbox-syncing component, but I'm a Mac user with The Missing Sync, and I only rarely use ActiveSync under Virtual PC, so I don't know anything about how to use that part of ActiveSync.
If they're just text and there aren't very many e-mails (or if you're desperate), I suppose you could just cut-and-paste the text to somewhere else.
Sven Johannsen
12-21-2005, 04:02 AM
Unless it's changed radically, the default on the PPC for a Pop3 account is to leave a copy on the server. In fact you have to delete the e-mail, then go to the delete folder, and delete it from there, and then sync before it will remove it from the server. After all that I would assume you really didn't want it. I don't recall there is even a setting to remove from the server when downloading. Kind of makes sense as the default is also not to download the whole message.
I would check and see if those messages aren't actually still there on the server. Unless of course you actually did the whole delete dance.
12-21-2005, 06:05 AM
Unless it's changed radically, the default on the PPC for a Pop3 account is to leave a copy on the server. In fact you have to delete the e-mail, then go to the delete folder, and delete it from there, and then sync before it will remove it from the server. After all that I would assume you really didn't want it. I don't recall there is even a setting to remove from the server when downloading. Kind of makes sense as the default is also not to download the whole message.
I don't think I have eve found a combination that has the PDA delete files from the server ... definitely the default leaves the files on the server.
12-21-2005, 11:59 PM
Ok.. Let's add just a bit more to my situation. I havn't been in the country for a little while and have been using my PDA to do all of my emailing. All of those are stored on my device. Not simply my downloaded email but also my sent mail. I have my device set up to save Everything. If you take the email and move it from the Inbox folder to another folder it will save it there and not erase it when it checks the mail again. My mail server isn't set up to keep my emails for extended periods of time, so the only emails it has are a couple of weeks old... so that doesn't help me get all of the Other emails that came before those.
Please note that my goal here is to get the emails From my PDA and import them into Outlook.
So after this little spill of information... Does anyone have any ideas? or am I simply out of luck.
*hopes for ideas*
Nurhisham Hussein
12-22-2005, 01:04 AM
You could try the various alternative sync programs like Intellisync, Mighty Sync or Laplink. Just a thought - I know they handle stuff outside the normal Activesync-Outlook area.
12-22-2005, 02:15 AM
When all else fails, you can forward the emails to yourself.
Just select all the emails you need to have on the PDA then press/hold select Forward and email them to yourself.
Once in Outlook you should be able to drag the attached emails out and put them into folders in Outlook ... you can certainly do this in Outlook Express.
12-23-2005, 11:08 PM
Hmm... I think I will save forwarding all of those emails to myself as my last resort. Some of the emails have attachments that are up to 2mb. It could take awhile since I think there are around 300 or more emails.
Does anyone have any experience with the other sync programs? I was doing a search on the net and ran across I think it was Intellisync and I think it said something about it being able to do something like I am requesting. Does anyone know if it's possible?
Another quick question... Is there ANYONE out there that has had my similar problem?
12-23-2005, 11:44 PM
Ok, I think I found a solution that works... Alteast for the time being. I've found that Pocket Outlook stores all of it's files in the /Windows/Messaging folder on the PDA. The files located in there are all ".mpb" files which if you transfer them to your Desktop and change the file extension to ".eml" you can open them in Outlook Express quite easily... just double click on the file. I tried this with only one file and it worked. After opening them all into Outlook Express I could just import them all into Outlook. Tedious I know, but it works. How's that sound for a solution?
12-23-2005, 11:55 PM
drag them all into one folder on your PC. Rename the file extensions all in one go - old-fashioned DOS in the command window will do .Navigate to your folder, then use
ren *.mpb *.eml
Then drag them all onto OE or Outlook.
It's the same as you are saying, but should not need to be done one file at a time.
12-24-2005, 11:44 PM
Yep, worked like a champ. Well folks, that's the solution to the problem if anyone runs into it.
Although I did find that emails that I send that had been saved don't import well because the file doesn't contain any information except the body of the message. That's the only downer to this process. Other then that, that's all I got.
Thanks everyone for the help. I hope in the future an easier way can be found. Maybe implimenting it into Activesync or into some other program would be quite helpful.
Thanks once again.
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