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12-11-2005, 09:14 AM
QWERTY Compact keyboard is designed for a mobile PC.



Mihail Molin

GenTrans Tech.

12-12-2005, 01:08 AM
This is your idea? And a patent is granted for it?

12-12-2005, 05:51 PM
Sure, it's mine. I don't consider it as an invention - just as a rearrangement of the buttons from a US layout in an optimal way using the principles of logic. If you have read my presentation - there is one thing I've never seen anywhere else - the construction of my "double slider".

12-12-2005, 08:31 PM
Hmmm... ok...

03-08-2006, 08:01 AM
Some additions to the announcement:

The keyboard is fully compatible with U.S. layout and therefore provides the localization for all languages exactly the same way as a standard computer keyboard. Also, it has a convenient form factor (the size of a prototype notebook is 55x97 mm) and its system of typing has a minimal learning curve.

The original idea of the keyboard is based on the ergonomics of one-hand typing. It requires one column of keys for the index finger, two - for the middle finger and one for the ring finger. It's a system that is totally different from thumb typing, for example, on the Blackberry devices.

And it's faster and more comfortable, you could easily prove it - just scale the drawing of a prototype notebook from the presentation file (set the size in Properties (unlock the proportional scaling settings): height - 18,71, width - 5,72 cm) in a Word document and print it. In a half of an hour of typing you'll get used to the layout.

And you'll get all the benefits of ten-finger typing - no strains, first of all, and intuitive knowledge of the layout for fast typing using the tips of three fingers without considerable delays for moving a finger in a horizontal plane in order to make a stroke - just like on a standard keyboard.

The keyboard is located right on your palm and you don't have to move the whole hand for typing. You know, the same requirement is provided by ten-finger typing method for a standard keyboard in order to make the process of typing ergonomical.

That's the base of the whole idea. And this requirement for ergonomic typing defines the effective usage of a keyboard layout - QWERTY Standard for two-hand, ten-finger typing (that was only two-finger in the beginning) and QWERTY Compact for one-hand typing using three fingers that are placed over the keyboard having such small, portable size - it's a keypad for comfortable typing.