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View Full Version : Ipaq 6515 problems

12-09-2005, 09:52 PM
Hello folks:

I am looking for suggestions before I RMA my brand new iPaq 6515. I've owned enough pocket pc phones to know that this unit is probably defective, but I thought I'd give you a shout in case there are easy fixes I am missing:

a) I charged it for 24 hours and the device will not pickup the GPRS signal (the "G" on the top of the screen) unless it is plugged in. If you do a soft reset for instance and are away from a power source, this means you will not be able to connect to GPRS; not good. I tested this with three different SIM cards I have.

b) When you do get a GPRS signal (only when plugged into AC), you cannot navigate into any web pages nor download emails. I fooled around with the connection configurations to no avail.

c) The phone works intermittently and drops calls frequently. It is very difficult to make a phone call while not plugged in.

d) Bluetooth seems to be working OK. I paired with my PC without problems. However, when I tried to use the device as a bluetooth modem, it was unable to connect, GSM-GPRS radio problems mentioned in my notes above.

My sense is that there is an issue with the GSM/GPRS radio and how it gets power; difficult for me to tell. I'd be happy to try any suggestions you may have, but would like to resolve this quickly. I am getting this device for my wife as a christmas gift. I own a JASJAR and that works beautifully, so it is really frustrating to see how I cannot make this device work.

Thanks for any advice you can throw my way.


12-11-2005, 06:10 PM
I didn't run into any of those issues on my UK imported 6515. I would say bad SIM card maybe or as you have already suggested bad radio. I would say swap the SIM with another one and if that doesn't work and you got it from Cingular hit them up, if its from the UK or HP directly hit them.