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View Full Version : Considerations re: PPC-6700 for Treo convert

12-06-2005, 05:56 PM
I just emptied a sparklets bottle full of change and am itching to get a new phone to replace my aging Treo 600 for Sprint. I'm heavily considering the PPC-6700, but wanted to get some feedback from users who have switched from the Treo platform to this device.

I've grown pretty accustomed to one-handed operation, and the general ease-of-use the Treo offers, and am worried that I'll be giving something up if I make the switch to this PPC device.

Has anyone out there made the switch? What kinks have you run into, and found work around for?

Thanks so much in advance.

JD Silver
12-06-2005, 06:29 PM
Hello from The Great White North!

I've been using the PPC6700 for the last two weeks and just love it. You will find that moving from a Treo to a PPC is going to be quite a change. One-handed operation on Windows Mobile 5 has improved, but is not up to Treo standards. I would highly recommend Microsoft Voice Command for PPC/Phone. Calls can then be made with a single push of a button.

The PPC6700 is about the same size as a Treo, but feels a bit more like a brick in your hand. I find the performance to be good, and it seems more stable than previous editions. The speaker is a little quiet in a noisy environment. The keyboard is excellent, and can be used easily for dialing when the phone application is open. Wifi and Bluetooth on my version (Telus) has been faultless.

12-06-2005, 06:42 PM
Thanks so much for the quick reply!

I've read a lot about the Voice Command software, but have seen that it doesn't work with a bluetooth headset. However, looking over the Voice Command site, I notice they say that version 1.5 (a free upgrade to 1.0 users) supports hands-free use. Is this newer than all the reviews, or am I reading it wrong?

I've been using the PPC6700 for the last two weeks and just love it. You will find that moving from a Treo to a PPC is going to be quite a change. One-handed operation on Windows Mobile 5 has improved, but is not up to Treo standards.

So do you find yourself opening the keyboard a lot then? Or is it just adjusting to the lack of dedicated application buttons? I like that I have access to 6 apps with one hand on the Treo, is there no quick-launch ability built into WM5.0?

Thanks again, it's great to hear that a former Treo user isn't experiencing buyer's remorse.

JD Silver
12-06-2005, 06:56 PM
Hello Again,

The quick launch buttons on a PPC are programmable, except for the dedicated phone buttons. I have configured buttons to open Explorer and Inbox, while the Windows Mobile Soft Keys usually open Calendar and Contacts. All of these can be reprogrammed to your heart's content. The 6700 usually has press and hold configured on some buttons to give quick access to Wireless Manager (Bluetooth, Wifi and Phone on/off), and for the camera.

I don't use too many buttons anymore because Voice Command gives me access to any application by name. After that I use the joystick to move around. For non-keyboard input I highly recommend Calligrapher 8.1. It responds incredibly well to handwritten input, and learns your writing over the first two weeks of use. For quick access to all applications, appointments etc. I use SPB Pocket Plus and SPB Diary on my Today screen.

Unfortunately, Microsoft Voice Command does not support handsfree voice dialing. Sigh. I still have to push my record button to give it a command. The Bluetooth did connect faultlessly to my Prius, however.

12-09-2005, 12:12 AM
I thought I'd post a quick followup while I work on my full review.

After 24 hours with it, I'm pretty impressed with the PPC-6700 (though I wish it had a cool name like the Treo - It takes far too long to tell people what it is.) First off - Sprint's EVDO is amazing. I was able to get 1028kbps with 70% signal strength, not bad huh?

It is definitly an adjustment, switching from the Treo. The one-handed operation does leave a little to be desired, though the Voice Command software greatly enhances the most frustrating thing - dialing. It is very accurate so far in allowing me to dial anyone in my contacts list to any of their numbers very easily. The only issue I've had with VC is that it's SO good, I want it to be able to do more. It would be great to have the ability to program custom commands or websites or functions to the sound of my voice. Oh yeah, and the ability to trigger the hotkey from a BT headset - but I don't have one yet, so it's not that huge of a deal.

Biggest thing I miss is having 30 hotkeys on the front of the device. The Treo allowed me to link any application, web site, or phone number to a single keypress on the front of the device. This made accessing my daily functions very easily.

I'll be writing up a full "convert's guide" over the next week. Thanks for all the help!