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View Full Version : I hate to say this but ...... not a Treo Killer

11-20-2005, 01:53 AM

I'm the proud :?: owner of an unlocked iPAQ hw6515 and the former :( owner of a Treo 650. Having used the 6515 for about two weeks now, I think I'm qualified to at least comment on a couple of things.


The 6515 is less easy to use one handed.
The joy stick does not function as well as the joystick.
Call answering and sending is not as easy on the 6515 as on the Treo.
Recalling a last dialed number is not as easy on the 6515 as on the Treo.


The Treo's screen is easier to see, simply because of its higher Resolutuon. The 6515 screen is larger and the on-screen brighness control is really usefull. Moving around the screen is more fluid on the Treo and more can be done without trapping.


Both retrieve email very well but the Treo seems somewhat faster. I use Snapper on the Treo and WebIS Mail on the 6515. WebIS Mail is a bit big for the short, square 6515 screen. The WebIS Mail seems to integrate better with I'net Explorer than the Palm email software does.


I didn't have GPS on my Treo and was eager to try it on the 6515. Unfortunately the radio's there on the 6515 but there's no mapping software included. With TomTom software going for $150.00, I'm not going to experiment. Wish HP would have included WiFi instead.

My conclusion is that I'm going to put the 6515 on eBay, buy another Treo 650 an dwait for the next Treo Killer.....

My $0.02,