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View Full Version : POLL: Insomnia Now Available For The PPC - For only the cost of your PPC...

Darren Behan
11-11-2005, 09:20 PM
I was replying to another post and it got me thinking about how much time and effort I have spent trying to make things work on my PPC that I never really use in 'real life'.

This is the part of my reply that caused that: "I have never sent an MMS message other than to make sure it works & doubt I ever will. That said; I will stay up til 4 AM, tear apart the internet, and suffer through what passes for customer service these days to make sure it does work. No idea why, just the way I am and I suspect I'm not alone on this. My mood is actually impacted by my success or failure."

So, in suspecting I'm not alone on this I wanted to put it to the test via this little poll. I will either be comforted that I am not alone or seek professional help - pretty sure I can guess already which it will be...

11-11-2005, 10:45 PM
So are we geeks, or OCD sufferers?

Jon Westfall
11-11-2005, 11:45 PM
I remember bugging T-Mobile for a replacement 6315 when my vibrate feature broke. I never really used Vibrate, and still haven't... but ONE day I just MAY decide I want to use it.

In general, I'm a bit paranoid about things when it comes to technology or my ability to get work done. The worst is when I stay up all night and the next day find out that the problem wasn't on my end at all, or when I stay up till 4 AM but resign myself and go to bed unhappy. It seems that as soon as I get a new toy of any kind, the first SMALL thing that goes wrong I get REALLY upset. Here are a few examples:

1. I bought a targus backpack and never used the cell phone pouch. However, when I lost the cell phone pouch, I tore my bedroom apart just to find it.

2. I got a free Atari Retro game SD card and lost it. I spent 2 months on and off looking for it, and even after finding it have yet to use it.

3. When I bought a new i-mate Pocket PC and it dropped causing a small piece of plastic to break off, it drove me nuts daily until I bought a new pocket pc!

4. On a non-technical front, I've requested every key in my office I can so that in the ultra-rare event that a door which is ALWAYS unlocked may happen to be locked for the first time ever that day.

So I'm a bit compulsive... but at least I'm in the right industry to analyze myself!

Patrick Y.
11-12-2005, 12:26 AM
So are we geeks, or OCD sufferers?

yes, unfortunately.

Darius Wey
11-12-2005, 03:31 AM
I don't sleep properly, regardless of having tech issues or not. Despite living in Australia, I swear I operate by an American timezone. :lol:

Sven Johannsen
11-12-2005, 04:05 AM
How well do you sleep when you're PPC is not 100% perfectly functioning?
Haven't had one yet that was 100% functioning when I got it. If I was going to lose sleep over that, I wouldn't have slept since 2000.

Steve Jordan
11-12-2005, 05:15 AM
What Sven said. Life's too short, and I've got too many real problems to deal with to lose sleep over a slightly imperfect PPC.

11-12-2005, 06:27 AM
...and I've got too many real problems to deal with to lose sleep over a slightly imperfect PPC.

I find that, no matter how slightly imperfect a Pocket PC is, I eventually get used to the slight imperfections and forget about them. Pocket PCs are much like children: Most of the time they're fine, but they can keep you up with a cough or a fever (or stomach flu or even explosive diarrhea) from time to time.

Steve Jordan
11-12-2005, 11:51 PM
Dude, the first time my PPC wakes me up with explosive diarrhea, I know I won't be sleeping that night!

11-12-2005, 11:58 PM
So are we geeks, or OCD sufferers?

yes, unfortunately.

What do you mean "unfortunately"?
