View Full Version : Modifying Soft Keys with Tweaks2K2 .NET
Darius Wey
11-09-2005, 08:30 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><img src="" /><br /><br />A new version of Tweaks2K2 .NET (v3.13.0) has just been released, and one of the nicest additions is the ability to modify the default assignments for the left and right soft keys in Windows Mobile 5.0. If you already own a copy of Tweaks2K2 .NET v3.x, then this new release is a free update. Otherwise, head over to <a href="">Handango</a> and grab a copy for $15.50. [Affiliate]
11-09-2005, 12:46 PM
In light of changing things on WM5--I just purchased QTEK 9100 and no longer see headset icon on top when I am connected to BLUETOOTH headset. Any ideas for tweak or settings?
11-09-2005, 02:20 PM
Can I get rid of the soft keys and reclaim the screen area? Or has anyone had a GREAT idea for soft keys?
11-09-2005, 02:49 PM
Thanks Darius...
Here are the 3 hacks added to this release...
103-Enables the keyboard status indicator in HTC Wizard/QTek
104-Allows to select Microsoft Voice Commander as default dialer in Jasjar and other Phone Edition devices from HTC.
105-Remapping of Today Soft Keys
11-09-2005, 03:08 PM
Can I get rid of the soft keys and reclaim the screen area? Or has anyone had a GREAT idea for soft keys?
It's possible to deactivate the softkeys. Certain apps have been known to "crash" the softkey function, making it disappear. I imagine its some sort of process or other hidden function that can be turned off though I don't know of anyone who's looked into it at any great depth yet.
11-09-2005, 03:10 PM
What a bunch of Sch**s they stole the Things that we figured out. They stole it from the people of HowardForums.
They should make there program free.
11-09-2005, 03:11 PM
I was the original who found the soft keys and there is no way yet to get rid of them. (were on the same line..)
11-09-2005, 04:04 PM
When they had their live chat the other week I asked the questions and here is what they said.
Q: [17] Is there a way to disable the soft keys on the screen. Also is there a way to place the icons back onto the bottom bar that are now claiming the space at the bottom?
A: The SHEnableSoftkey() API should do what you need. I'm not sure what you mean by the icons on the bottom bar.
Q: [43] WM5 now places the wifi, bluetooth etc icons within the screen itself and not on the bottom bar as in SE2003 thus making the today screen loose about 10 or so pixels from the bottom.
A: Ah, yes, I understand now. The reason for this is that the Today screen did not have soft keys on PP2003SE. There is no longer any room to put the icons on the soft key bar. The Today window is scrollable.
Jon Westfall
11-09-2005, 04:39 PM
What a bunch of Sch**s they stole the Things that we figured out. They stole it from the people of HowardForums.
They should make there program free.
I'm curious why you think that, because they used information you published freely, they should then be obligated to make their program free. People can still do what you've published with freely available tools around the net - however if they want an easier solution to implement it, they may buy the product. I don't see where there was theft here - simply a usage of freely available information on the net originally provided by yourself and members of HowardForums.
Sven Johannsen
11-09-2005, 04:45 PM
What a bunch of Sch**s they stole the Things that we figured out. They stole it from the people of HowardForums.
They should make there program free.
Go ahead an write a competing product and give it away. Tweaks2K2 adds value for the consumer who is not capable or comfortable with doing reg hacks. The hack isn't being sold, it's the front end to numerous hacks. I can't see how offering people the use of discoverd capabilities, freely published, is stealing. If you don't want people using your discovery, don't post it.
If you are indeed the discoverer of this inherent, but unexposed capability, thank you for your diligence in investigating the hidden capabilities of this new OS. We appreciate your efforts.
11-09-2005, 04:50 PM
Interesting debate but it misses and important question, to my mind, which is......... what's it for?
PS Don't get me wrong I luv Tweaks2Net but some of the tweaks are a little bizzare.
11-09-2005, 05:34 PM
What a bunch of Sch**s they stole the Things that we figured out. They stole it from the people of HowardForums.
They should make there program free.
Check my site. I offer a free copy of the program to those who send me hacks to be included in the program so I have hundred of users providing me tips or asking to include new hacks. Somebody who won a free copy for it sent me your hack. Like many others said, I do not charge for the hack I charge for the tool that has implemented the hack in SAFE way. People pay for the TOOL because they feel that it's going to be safer than doing it their self manually and because it's very hard to remember what is behind the 105 hacks already included in Tweaks2K2. There are other tweakers around and some of them free, and they use hacks that have been discovered by me and published by me in my HOW TO section of my site and I DO NOT COMPLAIN about it. I published in the WEB to be used.
Sometime I have somebody sending me a hack that he found to be included and after I gave the free copy of Tweaks2K2 to that person the real author of the hack (the one who discovered it) have sent me an email asking me to included the hack and telling me that he is the author and I have given that person a free copy too just because I like to thank those who contribute to make this community stronger. If you want a free copy of the program you know how you can contact me, I'll be glad to do so.
11-09-2005, 06:29 PM
They stole it from the people of HowardForums.
I'm a big contributor to Howard Forums, but I too believe credit shouls be given where due. This hack was being used before the Wizard was even shipped. The guys at xda-developers were using it on their Jasjars. I'm sorry I can't remember the guy's name who I saw post it there. If I manage to find it I will definitely post it. It is very difficult to state as fact "I did it first"
11-09-2005, 06:35 PM
They stole it from the people of HowardForums.
I'm a big contributor to Howard Forums, but I too believe credit shouls be given where due. This hack was being used before the Wizard was even shipped. The guys at xda-developers were using it on their Jasjars. I'm sorry I can't remember the guy's name who I saw post it there. If I manage to find it I will definitely post it. It is very difficult to state as fact "I did it first"
We have many people doing the same thing and many of us come out with hacks at the same time not knowing each other ;) but in this case... NO I did not find the hack; I just implemented safety in Tweaks2K2.
11-09-2005, 06:43 PM
I just implemented safety in Tweaks2K2.
:?: You lost me on that, Frank?
Don't Panic!
11-09-2005, 06:53 PM
Tweaks2k2 lets you undo a hack just by unchecking a box or selecting undo. If you're doing reghacks by hand you better have written down every little change you made or tanksville for your device when you try to change it back. That's safety to me.
11-09-2005, 06:58 PM
Tweaks2k2 lets you undo a hack just by unchecking a box or selecting undo. If your doing reghacks by hand you better have written down every little change you made or tanksville for your device when you try to change it back. That's safety to me.
Thanks, Don't Panic! I wasn't thinking down the right path. :)
11-09-2005, 07:23 PM
DAve Please find that post from XDA-Developers.
Thank you
11-09-2005, 07:25 PM
I PUBLICALLY Apologize To you and the authors of Tweaks2k.Net
for a) Jumping to conclusions and using the S word.
11-09-2005, 07:34 PM
Tweaks2k2 lets you undo a hack just by unchecking a box or selecting undo. If you're doing reghacks by hand you better have written down every little change you made or tanksville for your device when you try to change it back. That's safety to me.
Exactly. But for example. I really get scared when I see hack around the web that are not compatible with devices in other languages. Or when a hack needs certain conditions present so it can be applied. Tweaks2K2 takes care of all this situations. This is why some of the hacks in the program are disabled in some Pocket PCs and they are ready to be used in anothers. ;)
11-09-2005, 07:35 PM
I PUBLICALLY Apologize To you and the authors of Tweaks2k.Net
for a) Jumping to conclusions and using the S word.
No problem.
11-09-2005, 07:39 PM
Yes the Xda developers found changing the Left key.
Hofo Found the Right.
11-09-2005, 07:55 PM
DAve Please find that post from XDA-Developers.
Thank you
I spent an hour looking for it and couldn't find it. I will keep trying though. I realize its importance to you. :)
vbguru613 wrote:
I PUBLICALLY Apologize To you and the authors of Tweaks2k.Net
for a) Jumping to conclusions and using the S word.
That's very big of you. It's not an easy thing to do...I know. ;)
Darius Wey
11-10-2005, 03:56 AM
I know I'll be flamed for this comment, so go right ahead, but I fail to see how someone can rightfully take credit for a registry hack. The registry is a freely accessible database implemented by Microsoft in every PC and Pocket PC, and there are thousands of enthusiasts worldwide discovering neat hacks everyday. Person A might think he/she has found it first and publishes it on a popular forum, when Person B actually discovered it months ago but never published it on the internet. But hang on, Person C discovered this same hack a year ago and published it on his/her own blog, but it's so hidden in the dark corners of the internet that no one will ever read it. Who deserves the fame and glory for the hack? Hard question. :?
Kudos to Frank for putting together such a fantastic product. I know it takes the hell out of registry hacking for thousands of Pocket PC users worldwide. Also a big kudos to the people at xda-developers or HoFo who discovered it. You're an asset to the community for sharing such useful info.
Anyway, that's just my two cents for the day. How you interpret it is up to you.
Don't Panic!
11-10-2005, 04:24 AM
What do you want him to do Darius? Post a picture genuflecting to Franks picture... Ahh that felt good.
He could have copyrighted it. That would throw a wrench into our happy community.
@Jason-No pms please I'm just kidding here. ;)
Darius Wey
11-10-2005, 04:40 AM
What do you want him to do Darius? Post a picture genuflecting to Franks picture... Ahh that felt good.
I wasn't asking for any sort of genuflecting. I was merely presenting the facts, which mind you, you should take with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, apologies have already been delivered left, right, and centre, and I'm happy to see that the community spirit is alive and kicking once again.
In reality, the folk at Microsoft probably knew of it first since they were the ones that implemented the soft keys. Are they complaining about the existence of registry hacking tools and/or enthusiasts implementing a plethora of hacks 24/7, 365 days a year? No. This has been going on for years.
Don't Panic!
11-10-2005, 04:53 AM
S'true, Microsoft is not Apple.
Lighten up DW, seriously... You were looking for flames and I gave you one. Some mods like me started out as troll hunters. Netiquette makes the hunter seem like a troll. It took me a couple of years to learn that.
@Frank-Did copyrighting hacks ever enter your mind while you were developing your program?
Darius Wey
11-10-2005, 05:02 AM
Lighten up DW, seriously... You were looking for flames and I gave you one. Some mods like me started out as troll hunters. Netiquette makes the hunter seem like a troll. It took me a couple of years to learn that.
Don't worry - I was expecting a flame (joke or not), and I'm not having any anger issues here. I just felt like adding my two cents, and so I did. ;)
If I seem a little burnt out, it's because of all the work I have piled on me. That's why I haven't been posting on the front page as much. I'll be back to my usual self next week.
11-10-2005, 03:13 PM
Darius Wey your deff not a developer.
But yes the Registry is public but just some "HAcks" are easy and some are not. There are people spending time trying to help other Pocket PC users , use a OS from Microsoft that is buggy and lack of support. FOR FREE i dont see any of the people at XDA-developers or HOFO or buzzdev charge for there services. The least you can do is bow and give kudos.
Sven Johannsen
11-10-2005, 03:33 PM
Nobody charging for what they do here either. publicising new capabilities, giving a platform to developers, helping solve peoples issues, mundane or thorny, providing a generally helpfull and friendly place to commiserate, gripe, help, learn.........
Darius Wey
11-10-2005, 03:57 PM
Darius Wey your deff not a developer.
Who said I was or wasn't, and how does it relate to the topic of this thread? Not sure how you came to that conclusion from my previous posts, anyway.
But yes the Registry is public but just some "HAcks" are easy and some are not. There are people spending time trying to help other Pocket PC users , use a OS from Microsoft that is buggy and lack of support. FOR FREE i dont see any of the people at XDA-developers or HOFO or buzzdev charge for there services.
Right. And how that differs from other Pocket PC sites, including this one, is beyond me. We're not charging for help either. There are plenty of people on these forums happy to spend a bit of time helping others.
The least you can do is bow and give kudos.
No need to be so demanding. I already offered the kudos, didn't I?
11-10-2005, 06:48 PM
There are people spending time trying to help other Pocket PC users
Speaking of which, you will be extremely hard pressed to find many who have spent more time helping people in this community than Darius has.
I don't why it is, but there seem to be a small handful of people floating from site to site in this community lately bent on doing little but bash people without's about Pocket PCs, not making someone look bad. :roll:
03-30-2006, 09:15 PM
So when did you start hacking your Pocekt PC's registry? (a question for everyone)
I've been doing it since the Palm-size PC. That was the time when Pocket PCs weren't even called Pocket PCs.
I know some of the people here who have been active during those times and I did rely on their knowledge to get by with what I had.
I loved the sites and which ran good technical information about Windows CE devices.
This is where hacking made a difference...
Im myself have posted hacks in sites... and some of them are now either defunct or have been reformatted requiring a database purge. Yes... some of my tips and hacks lost into oblivion... same as the one made by others who love hacking the registry...
Now hacking the registry is a common practice... I see sites claiming their find as their own when in fact many have performed the same hacks even before their sites have ever seen the light of day.
Hacking the registry has never been a secret... with more and more people now hacking the registry, it is even harder to stake a claim as to who discovered what hack...
change a 0 to a 1, or a 2
rename a redirect to redirect1 or redirecta
look at an old registry and see if adding it works
go to the MSDN site and look at the registry functions
then perform your own registry hack...
some people are nice enough to give out free stuff. some add better support and ask for a fee... All this does is make it easier for everyone.
I see so many sites with reg hacks and I stop and think... and I say... yup... I did that with my old CE device... and my first Pocket PC...
It's nice to see someone figuring things out by themselves...
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