View Full Version : PPC keeps turning itself on
11-04-2005, 05:57 PM
I have a sprint ppc 6700 (apache) running windows mobile 5. It's the first time I've had a "real" pda phone (sidekick doesn't count).
Can someone explain to me why the PPC turns itself on every time it connects to the internet (e.g., for weather or to check email)? I set the function that when it's off, no button save the power button should turn it on. But that doesn't really help when the device just turns _itself_ on.
I'm not running out of battery, because it does turn itself back off... but it _does_ drain the battery faster than it would otherwise. But more to the point, if I bend over or bump something while the phone is in my belt holster and having turned itself on, it can trigger stuff on the touch screen. I've already had it make at least 5 phone calls I didn't consciously choose to make in this way, and obviously this is _definitely_ bad.
How do I stop the device from turning itself on without turning off my autoupdates?
Nurhisham Hussein
11-07-2005, 03:20 AM
The OS needs to kick up to get info off the internet - sorry, this is the way it's designed. There's no way I know of to stop the phone turning on with auto-updates also on.
11-08-2005, 04:19 AM
How do I stop the device from turning itself on without turning off my autoupdates?
Think about this for a's kinda hard to do this when it is off. ;)
If you want it to do auto updates the best you can do is to set your device to turn off in a shorter time, so that once it is done checking it doesn't stay on as long.
Good luck
11-08-2005, 04:28 AM
The device itself can be on without automatically going into full-blown Touch Screen Active And Lit Up And Unsecure mode. Hell, my Sidekick could check email while it was locked and in its screen saver and that thing was primitive by comparison.
Nurhisham Hussein
11-08-2005, 04:54 AM
The device itself can be on without automatically going into full-blown Touch Screen Active And Lit Up And Unsecure mode. h-ll, my Sidekick could check email while it was locked and in its screen saver and that thing was primitive by comparison.
Given how often this question is asked, I'm surprised that some enterprising developer hasn't come up with a solution as yet. Given the ongoing convergence of PDAs with mobile phones, we may just be in a transition period where the software and user needs haven't quite met yet. Sorry I can't be of more help than that.
11-08-2005, 05:58 AM
Given how often this question is asked, I'm surprised that some enterprising developer hasn't come up with a solution as yet.
I was just sitting here thinking the same thing. Programmatically this shouldn't be a big deal. Just don't have the screen and backlight fire up. There are apps to turn the screen off, but I think that would be a bit of a pain. You just need an option to do updates without the screen coming on.
Nurhisham Hussein
11-08-2005, 06:20 AM
I think the trick is to keep the buttons locked at the same time. Apropos of this, here's something I just remembered:
:oops: My bad, i should have thought of this first. I think Fuzzypaws wanting to keep the screen off while updating took me on the wrong mental path, instead of focusing on the key issue of keeping the buttons locked and letting the device close itself down automatically. Fuzzypaws, this app might do the trick (even better coz it's freeware), but I'd also follow Dave's advice and keep the shutdown times short. If we can't keep your PDA from turning itself on, at least we can minimise the battery drain and buttons being pressed problem.
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