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View Full Version : new developer, need some directions

10-19-2005, 08:45 AM
hello everyone

i'm now finishing my degree in computer engeering, and as part of my internship i have to develop one app for pocket pc.
i have complete freedom on what language to use, and how to do it.. so i'm asking you for advice.

i've been making some searches, and the 2 (real) options available seem to be .Net and Java.. but some pocket pcs dont have a JVM installed so its a disadvantage.

The app is something very simple, it just has to manage a contact list of clients, orders and stocks. It should save the data in a database and be able to export it as a XML file...

can you give me some pointer on where to start learning? things i should read/know..?

thank you very much

10-19-2005, 09:30 AM
i would recommend you to use to .Net route, especially for development on Windows CE/Pocket PC.

Its up to you to choose between VB.Net or C# both do the same thing and are Object Orientated, however if you have not done vb.net and are used of Java, i'd recommend you use c# as its very similar

SQLServerCE for the pocket pc is free licence so no problem there, and .net has a way of extracting data from the database and putting it straight to XML

http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/CompactFramework/ is a good place to start learning
