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View Full Version : Avantgo Sync 4.0 Issues with WM 5 ?

10-11-2005, 07:31 AM
Wondering if anyone out there has identified any issues when attempting to sync Avantgo 4.0 with a PPC carrying WM 5. Recently purchased a brand new T-Mobile MDA Pro with WM 5. It just refuses to sync and I've had to re-install Avantgo to see if it's a problem on their end. Still no luck. Pocket Informant was also a problem but they did send me a link for their beta Pocket Informant which is compatible with WM 5. Thanks !


11-03-2005, 05:21 AM
You have to turn off any firewalls in order to sync with 4.0. Go to windows mobile website and check out the troubleshooting section for 4.0.


11-07-2005, 03:57 AM
I too tried to get avant go working to no avail. I have the latest versions (Activesync 4.1 and Avantgo 5.7) but no luck. I am going to give RSS a go instead. its HEAPS leaner than the new avant go bloatware.