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View Full Version : Mystery Alarm

10-11-2005, 04:30 AM
Just in time for halloween, here's a mystery so scary that it's got me really spooked. :evil:

I picked up an ancient PPC on eBay recently in order to experiment with the platform and see if I want to steer away from PalmOS that I've been using for years. I bought an Audiovox Thera 2032 running MS PPC 3.0 on an ARM SA1110 with 32 MB.)

After playing with it for a few days (downloading data, installing apps, configuring options) I have a mystery alarm that goes off on me at 6:00 AM every day. The reminder note simply says "Alarm". Here's what I've done so far to hunt this one down...

1) Looked at the alarm settings for each of the four default alarms in the built-in clock app. None of them are set for 6:00 AM, and none of them are enabled anyway. (when I first purchased the unit, all four alarms defaulted to 6:00 AM, but I changed them all to attempt to troubleshoot the problem.)

2) Made sure that Outlook's task reminder was not set for 6:00 AM (it's set at 8:00 AM.)

3) Turned off reminders for every task just to be safe

4) Made sure that there was no task/calendar entry titled "Alarm"

5) Made sure that there was no calendar entry set for 6:00 AM every day.

6) Looked around for options on all of the 3rd party apps I installed, and then removed any that had any sort of alarm/notification feature.

Any ideas what the source of this mystery alarm could be? Is there a back-door I could use to turn it off, (like a windows registry???) I'm certain that the unit is just stuck in a funny state... perhaps a hard reset would solve the problem, buy I've invested quite a bit of time getting all of my data ported and apps loaded. But, if that is needed, then how do you do a hard reset on a PPC?)


10-11-2005, 05:17 AM
Honestly, this is why I never turn on an alarm for ANYTHING. My X5 started doing this and didn't stop until I hard reset and I never figured out why. I hoped they'd fixed it in later versions of the OS but apparantly not.

How you hard reset depends on what device you have. Check your owner's manual.

Patrick Y.
10-11-2005, 07:04 AM
I suggest you to use CheckNotification and software like that to check alarms and events of the system.

10-11-2005, 10:36 PM
Thanks, Patrick! I found CheckNotification, and there in the list was a clock-based alarm for 6:00 AM every morning. Yet, the clock app certainly did not show it.

I wasted the alarm, and hopefully will be able to sleep peacefully past 6:00 for the first time in a few days. :lol:

Patrick Y.
10-11-2005, 11:44 PM
Glad to know that it worked! :D