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View Full Version : Problem with 3955 and calander

09-22-2005, 11:12 PM
Hi All,

I have a problem with my second hand 3955. This problem occurs randomly and sometimes a soft reset will help, and sometimes it will not. I mainly use it for in car GPS with my Navman 3250 sleeve running PocketMap navigator software.

I start it up and the outlook calander will start to open by itself. It will contiune to cycle through the different calander scales (hourly, daily, weekly, monthy, and contiune to cycle like that. If I try to bring up the today list, it will show for a moment and then it closes as the calander starts to open.

I will reset it sometime three or four times before this will stop. Then it will boot normally and run fine for a time and then it will start all over again. This happens if I am running my GPS softwre as well.

The calander hardware button is not working. It will move like normal when you press it but nothing happens until calander starts up by itself again.

I have tried going into the settings to disable the calander buttion but I still have the issue.

This problem started up when I replaced the battery, which was defective so I had to reinstall the old battery. Is it possible that the switchboard is bad? I am a PC teceh so I have some knowledge of this stuff but obviously, not enough. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much and have a great day.


George D.