09-06-2005, 04:37 PM
Ok, I'm curious about eveyone's opinions on the use of sliders on PPC's.
Now that the wizard has the slide out keyboard, as well as the Samsung i730, its hearlded (by some) as the greatest 'new' feature in the world. Yet, when Palm used it (albeit in a different way, and never for a thumboard) on their PDA's, a lot of people on the PPC side said it was the dumbest thing ever made.
I should mention that, yes, I've owned a T3, but have been using my Axim x50v for about a year now, as well a number of other PPC's over the years.
Personally, I don't have any strong feelings for or against a slider PDA, it was a non-issue on the T3 for me, while others did have strong feelings one way or the other.
Is it b/c its a thumboard that is hidden vs. the Palm screen being partially covered that makes it a better design? (Too me, its a very nice design feature.)
Dunno, just curious if people hate any slider design outright, or if people like having the thumboard tucked away that makes it acceptable?
Now that the wizard has the slide out keyboard, as well as the Samsung i730, its hearlded (by some) as the greatest 'new' feature in the world. Yet, when Palm used it (albeit in a different way, and never for a thumboard) on their PDA's, a lot of people on the PPC side said it was the dumbest thing ever made.
I should mention that, yes, I've owned a T3, but have been using my Axim x50v for about a year now, as well a number of other PPC's over the years.
Personally, I don't have any strong feelings for or against a slider PDA, it was a non-issue on the T3 for me, while others did have strong feelings one way or the other.
Is it b/c its a thumboard that is hidden vs. the Palm screen being partially covered that makes it a better design? (Too me, its a very nice design feature.)
Dunno, just curious if people hate any slider design outright, or if people like having the thumboard tucked away that makes it acceptable?