View Full Version : Engadget's New Toy: The HTC Universal
Darius Wey
09-03-2005, 01:00 AM
<i>"It took a few days, but we're finally answering your questions about the HTC Universal. We didn't have time to answer every single question that was posted, but we hit as many as we could and we'll do our damnedest to answer more of your questions over the next few days — just post them up in the comments below and we'll try and add them to the post."</i><br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br />The Engadget crew have just posted a <a href="">Q&A</a> and <a href="">gallery</a> of the HTC Universal. If you're one of the many who have a bit of a soft spot for this device, then it's worth popping over to their site to see what they have to say. Gee, I'm loving the Universal more and more as the days go by. :drool:<br /><br />Links: <a href="">Q&A</a> / <a href="">Gallery</a>
09-03-2005, 02:03 AM
It is a rather exciting device isn't it...! :D I just hope that now they've confirmed the USB host people will stop sending me 'helpful' e-mails saying it doesn't and that I've got my facts wrong...! :roll:
The only two things that stop this device being perfect are: 1) Just a bit too big and heavy; and 2) No CF slot. That's just me being fussy, however, as I'm sure they can't really do much about either without leaving out some of the goodness.
09-03-2005, 02:23 AM
What size is that screen? VGA?
09-03-2005, 02:26 AM
What size is that screen? VGA?
VGA and 3.6". Follow the links and you'll see that and more.
09-03-2005, 02:36 AM
i see they say no US carrier yet...
wonder if I can still get it and stick my sim card in there..
Looks like a long wait 4 US customers.
Ah! I started reading those posts over there and it seems very possible.
Just have 2 wait for it 2 come. :D
Oh MAN, does that look nice!! It looks like a real quality unit.
I'm surprised it doesn't look like more of a giant compared to the Treo.
Jeff Song
09-03-2005, 02:56 AM
i see they say no US carrier yet...
wonder if I can still get it and stick my sim card in there..
Looks like a long wait 4 US customers.
Ah! I started reading those posts over there and it seems very possible.
Just have 2 wait for it 2 come. :D
No 850mhz support (for most of cingular) and no EDGE, only 3g that nobody really has yet. Your data will be going at GPRS if not at a wifi hotspot soooo
09-03-2005, 03:05 AM
It has USB 2.0 and BT 1.2, which is great to know. 8)
Now if they could just come out with a version for the States: Quad-band GSM, EDGE, and compatible 3G, then I'd be ready. Although I have to say, it's hard to wait even as is...
I just hope it doesn't take six months to see one. Everything else looks fantastic and exactly what I've wanted for a long time in a convergence device.
09-03-2005, 07:48 AM
The more I see of the Universal the more I like it.
I started of say that it's just to big to be a phone. Now I'm trying to think of which BT headset to buy :)
Hope that Orange UK stay their schedule as my contract is up in november.
09-03-2005, 09:38 AM
The more I see of the Universal the more I like it.
I started of say that it's just to big to be a phone. Now I'm trying to think of which BT headset to buy :)
This one of course!
Jabra BT800 (
Main feature is Caller ID display (since the Universal does not have an external screen), and the ability to redial the last 10 numbers (using the jog dial), so even if voice dialing does not work, you can still accurately dial most of the people you speak with regularly.
Always wondered what this can do that, say a Pocket Look 720 with UMTS phone couldn't do? Keyboard makes this thing big and heavy. This is what a touch screen and character recognition are for; if you need better keyboarding you'll definitely want a bigger, external BT keyboard.
Plus you loose the CF slot, very important for many usage patterns
You stil need a case for the Universal, making it much larger; I don't think the U's body is scratch resistant, it's not made of metal as I know of.
Then you miss the app launch buttons.
And there are no side jog dial, very important for many usage patterns too: Internet browsing, ebook reading, photo viewing, document reviewing, etc.
09-03-2005, 03:41 PM
Nice device, but it does not support CF card! bad news for me!
jlp, the Universal is certainly not going to be for everyone but there are many that will like the form.
While a Bluetooth keyboard would be better for touch typing it is not as convenient to open and link than just using a built-in keyboard. Plus, most new users would not be close to being quick with character recognition but would do well with a keyboard right away.
Also, there are probably a very small number of people that would need a CF slot. Most are fine with SD. A CF slot would be nice for a microdrive but would probably make the Universal even bigger. :wink:
Many are going to like this device because it is versatile and will be willing to accept the trade off of size.
Everyone has there preference and idea of the "right" PDA.
09-04-2005, 12:11 AM
This thing is just AWESOME... i just cant resist it... its sooo COOL... i preordered mine on Expansys :wink:
Concerning CF, its no big deal, coz pretec will release there 4GB SD very soon, so whats the problem now???
& Concerning High speed data, i think WiFi will do it, coz there r TONS of hot stops right now, & if u r in a deadspot then just use GPRS for that time....
09-04-2005, 12:16 AM
Does it have FAT32 drivers??
If not then 4GB would be useless.
As for the device. Everyone has said that Clamshells would never be #1 well look at the HTC Universal. It will kill the Treo 650 :). I bet it will kill the next Treo as well. LOL. This is the best device I've ever seen. This is basically my dream device. A long time ago when I bought my UX50, I wanted to be able to control my TV with my device, be able to use my device for a long amount of time on a single charge, be able to change my battery, be able to have a large screen, multitask, stream video, play console games on my device and now the HTC Universal has come to fulfill all my dreams. What an amazing device. I really have to give HTC 10 thumbs up for this one. Still, I'll be waiting a long time before i get it. Due to I'm in US and price is too high which I expected in a device like this anyway.
09-04-2005, 12:54 AM
Does it have FAT32 drivers??
If not then 4GB would be useless.......
what is FAT32 :roll: ?
09-04-2005, 01:05 AM
It has fat32. PPC's have been using media > 2 GB for a long time. Wasn't the second microdrive 2.2 GB (the first was 340Mb (and people felt lucky to have it ;) )
09-04-2005, 02:45 AM
A long time ago when I bought my UX50, I wanted to be able to control my TV with my device, be able to use my device for a long amount of time on a single charge, be able to change my battery, be able to have a large screen, multitask, stream video, play console games on my device
Hey Bud, we've been doing all those things on Pocket PCs for quite awhile now. ;)
09-04-2005, 07:24 AM
Engadget's entries give the final pieces of information that I was waiting for :mrgreen:. The Universal is far from perfect for me, but its failings are minor and HTC delivers where it counts. WM5 helps soften the blows of its application button and RAM shortages (if it even is short on RAM; nothing natively running the new OS has more). A bluetooth headset (hopefully the BT800 8)) will make its size and lack of an external keypad/display manageable. 1900 MHz coverage should be sufficient, and I'm willing to live without 3G data transfer for a while, considering its price and the prevalent availability of free Wi-Fi in my area. Bottom line: I've waited for this device for more than two years—long before it was even announced—and I'm sure I won't be able to wait for even a North American version with 850 MHz GSM and EDGE, let alone a successor product. This will be my phone, the only questions are its branding and its source. What a fantastic product. :drool:
P.S. Plus, what appears to be the final memory configuration meets my requirements ( (if not my preferences, but there's always PPC Techs if Persistent Storage can't make up for the loss). So I won't be betraying myself by getting one!
09-04-2005, 11:06 AM
cf slot itsnt required by all as pointed out b4... if you do need a bigger storage then guess what you can add an external powered usb harddisk to universal.. how cool is that..
09-04-2005, 11:48 AM
I read the Total Mobile review in my local WM Smith, and it confirms that voice dialing via bluetooth works. This means it now matches all my basic requirements. If it has a video accelerator chip it will blow anything else out of the water, feature wise.
Wow! That thing is huge! I can appreciate the functionalty they packed into it for the size. I just don't know if I would carry something THAT big as a phone. That is why I dumped my i700 and why I am interested in the Wizard.
09-04-2005, 11:08 PM
A device this size should have at least an 800x600 resolution screen.
Unfortunately it is too big.
Nurhisham Hussein
09-05-2005, 03:30 AM
A device this size should have at least an 800x600 resolution screen.
Unfortunately it is too big.
I have a Loox 720 which has a screen only slightly smaller at
[email protected] - believe me, its more than enough for clarity. Run it in true VGA, and you'll need a magnifying glass to pick out the text.
Argh, while getting my PDA2k out of my pocket earlier tonight (to answer an international call) I dropped it on a brick patio floor, which caused the worst damage yet :evil:
The fall severely dented an upper corner, and the left side of the bezel now has a gaping separation where the two parts slide together. Amazingly the PDA2k continued to work without missing a beat, and I was able to pick it up off the floor and receive the call.
I think it might've been my subconscious trying to get me to a position where I'll have to upgrade to a shiny new Universal or Wizard :)
Though I can't ignore the fact that I still have a JAM sitting unused on my desk, and that a second PDA2k is also not being used by a family member...
09-05-2005, 10:29 AM
A device this size should have at least an 800x600 resolution screen.
Unfortunately it is too big.
I have a Loox 720 which has a screen only slightly smaller at
[email protected] - believe me, its more than enough for clarity. Run it in true VGA, and you'll need a magnifying glass to pick out the text.
I disagree with you.
This device is really too big to be a true "pocket" pc. It is creeping into ultraportable territory.
Given the size of this device the screen is proportionally too small BOTH in physical size and resolution.
09-05-2005, 02:14 PM
Does it have FAT32 drivers??
All WinCE devices starting with WinCE 2.0 (from 1998, that is) have FAT32 support.
Nurhisham Hussein
09-06-2005, 02:32 AM
I disagree with you.
This device is really too big to be a true "pocket" pc. It is creeping into ultraportable territory.
Given the size of this device the screen is proportionally too small BOTH in physical size and resolution.
Sorry, I thought you were refering to the screen-resolution only, rather than screen size. In that, I agree, the screen could be a bit bigger given the size. But I'm not sure I agree about the resolution. First as I stated, VGA clarity is perfectly adequate at that size - it's similar in dimensions to the iPaq hx47xx which has a bigger 4in diagonal screen. I really think we've almost reached a practical limit as far as screen resolution is concerned - unless they manage to up the battery life.
Nurhisham Hussein
09-06-2005, 08:46 AM
Thought I'd post on the relative size (lengthxwidthxdepth in mm, weight in grams, all VGA devices, data taken from website):
iPaq hx4700 - 131x77x14.9 187.6g
Toshiba e830 - 135x77x16.7 200g
HTC Universal 127.7x81x25 285g
The HTC is heavier and has greater depth - understandable in view of the keyboard - but is otherwise similar in size. The big difference of course is in the screen size - both the Toshi and the iPaq have 4in screens.
Did they make it a smaller screen to keep the battery drain down a bit, or would the size diff not matter so much?
09-06-2005, 12:22 PM
Did they make it a smaller screen to keep the battery drain down a bit, or would the size diff not matter so much?
It doesn't matter much. For example, the hx4700 has a 4" screen; still, it consumes approximately as much power (taking into account the 1800 vs 1640 mAh batteries) than the 3.6" Pocket Loox 720.
Yes I am interested in the Ctrl button on the universal, I owned a XDAIIs and found the keyboard on that didn't have the Ctrl key either so you can't do CUT/COPY or paste unless there is another way. I cut and paste heaps so the keyboard was useless to me on the XDAIIs.
Any one know if there is another way to do this on the Universal Keyboard.
09-07-2005, 11:56 AM
There's no Ctrl key on the board, and no obvious substitute. I guess the only thing to do is wait and see, once production units and manuals are available.
Thanks for your reply, I might send a email to Club i-mate and I will let you all know what they say.
Cheers :lol:
09-10-2005, 06:30 AM
hey gays check this link if you need more pics for the universal
but dont forget that we call it I-mate JASJAR
09-10-2005, 08:05 PM
I might send a email to Club i-mate and I will let you all know what they say.
Cheers :lol:
Heck, just let us know if they even bother to reply. :wink:
09-10-2005, 08:56 PM
hey gays check this link if you need more pics for the universal
but dont forget that we call it I-mate JASJAR
Is this gadget porn spam??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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