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View Full Version : RELEASE of the ENSLAVE Coming soon...

08-27-2005, 08:02 AM
MoreGames Entertainment presents:
Comming soon... for Pocket PC

The story so far: It is the 2351 and the human race has finally perfected interstellar travel. But what they discover is beyond all the expectations of all scientists. Each habitable planet in the galaxy where you may just want to settle down and live a peaceful life... was already taken. Every single oxygen planet was inhabited by the galaxy's worst aliens.

Your mission is to guide the Earth's most technically advanced ship - 'Alienator' - through the empty vastness of space to galactic domination. Exterminate those creepy aliens who dare to live on the same spiral arm of the galaxy as you, and take their planets. Forty billion people need a place to live!

Fly thru space, meet space monsters, alien ships, space debris, earn money and upgrade in interstellar shops, find alien planets, land and Enslave'em!

The game is scheduled for late October release and will include:
- Unique double-sided gameplay - fight both in space and on planets!
- 8 different planet environments and lots of combinations.
- Whole Galaxy to Explore and Enslave.
- 6 alien races.
- More than 10 different weapons for your ship and more than 20 weapons for landing bot.
- Lots of nice bonuses and upgrades for both ship and landing bot.
- Advanced particles with beautiful alpha effects like explosions, clouds, fire, smoke and sparkles.
- Hiscores, levels of difficulty, audio effects, music, and all what makes it into a great game.
Download "ENSLAVE" trailer (147 kb):