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View Full Version : Have you ever taken advantage of an operating system upgrade?

08-23-2005, 05:29 PM
By upgrade I mean an actual upgrade made available from your OEM or operator, that upgrades the OS from PPC 2002 to WM2003 and so on. This does not include updates that are issued occasionally that contain fixes, and patches.


08-23-2005, 05:49 PM
I have heard from so many peoples like whenever the upgrades comes it fixes the prior problems..

But I have never tried that.........or never tried to upgrade the device....


08-23-2005, 06:10 PM
I never upgraded my X5 because it just didn't seem worth the $40 for the small advantages the newer OS had. I WILL be upgrading my X50 though, first because it's free, and second because the advantages of WM 5.0 seem more significant, and also because the thing is brand new, I don't want it to be out dated in only a few months!

08-23-2005, 07:33 PM
Yes, I updated an Ipaq 3630 to 2002.....It's like any ROM update....simple....usually safe....

Keep power plugged in.
Don't go through a Hub.
Send the wife and kid's to the movies.:roll:
Use a pc that has been relatively stable.

Don't Panic!
08-23-2005, 07:44 PM
I voted no but I have purchased an upgrade from HP, I just never installed it. I usually just but a new device with the latest OS. This time with my Dell X50v I intend to do the upgrade. I'm getting a Samsung i730 to serve as my work PPC and will use the X50v for more fun/entertainment/personal uses. I'm looking forward to new media player options with WM2005.

08-23-2005, 08:29 PM
Ug... if only Asus would release OS updates. :cry:

08-24-2005, 12:05 AM
I'm getting a Samsung i730 :jawdrop:

Don't Panic!
08-24-2005, 12:13 AM
Well Dave it had to happen eventually. Resistance was futile...

I thought this year would bring the Uber-PPC, You know Dual-Slot, 3.8 or 4 inch VGA screen. GSM/GPRS/CDMA/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and a hard drive, but I see now that it's not going to appear anytime soon. So I'm going to use the X50v for music and movies. The i730 for e-mail and internet access as well as a work phone and my llittle t-610 for personal calls.

I thought this convergence thing was supposed to mean less devices to carry? :wink:

08-24-2005, 12:21 AM
I thought this convergence thing was supposed to mean less devices to carry? :wink:

It will. Complete assimilation just takes a little longer with some people. ;)


G M Fude
08-24-2005, 10:04 AM
Well, yeah. It was a few years back and it was with a Palm (v3.0 to v4.1) but I suppose that counts. It was a totally painless (albeit rather stressful) procedure and I would not hesitate to do it with my PPC. Roll on, WM5!

08-24-2005, 11:57 AM
When I upgraded from WM2003 to WM2003SE, the upgrade itself went without a hitch. Problems with some apps not compatible with the new OS version was a pain until they were updated. A lesson to me not to update until my critical apps are ready to go along.

08-24-2005, 12:01 PM
I tried to order my iPAQ H3650 upgrade when it first came out, but for some reason it didn't accept my order. Back then, though, I really didn't use my Pocket PC to its potential. I did get the PPC2003 upgrade for my H3870, and plan to get the WM2005 upgrade (if it ever comes out :roll:) for my hx4705.

08-24-2005, 12:43 PM
I voted YES - but perhaps that vote should have an asterisk behind (like that baseball HR king...)

I bought an Axim X5 when they first came out - with WM2002. Shortly after WM2003 came out - I thought about buying the upgrade - but then I only did so by a somewhat circuitous route -

I got on Dell's website -- bought a re-furbed X5 WITH WM2003 - and sold my original X5 to somebody at work (shhh! I sold it for more than I paid for the re-furbed X5) So you could say that somebody paid me to get the upgrade. It's all good.

08-24-2005, 12:46 PM
I got the upgrade for my h3150 to PPC 2002, my h3975 to PPC2003, and will upgrade my hx4705 to WM5 once and if it ever comes out. I did run into one issue I did not expect, they used a different Bluetooth stack on PPC2003 and did not have the ability to change the strength of the signal, that I had before the upgrade. But over all I have always been happy with the upgrades. It has allows me to get better milage from the device for the 2-3 years that I normally have a device before I get a new one.

Clinton Fitch
08-24-2005, 12:47 PM
I am going to upgrade for sure, without question. Everything I'm seeing in WM5 are, in my view, improvements.

08-24-2005, 01:33 PM
I upgraded my Toshiba e800 from WM 2003 to WM 2003 SE. I did it mostly because I am a handheld programmer and I wanted to get my hands on an SE device so that I could test on-the-fly screen rotation and text-resizing (among other things).

I was disappointed when HP didn't offer an upgrade to the 5555 (which was their flagship model at the time when SE was released).

Phillip Dyson
08-24-2005, 01:54 PM
I purchased the 2002 upgrade for my iPaq 3600. Which as I recall was the last time one of my devices was offered an upgrade.

Jason Lee
08-24-2005, 02:27 PM
I purchased the 2002 upgrade for my iPaq 3600. Which as I recall was the last time one of my devices was offered an upgrade.

Same here. :(

08-24-2005, 04:27 PM
why can't it be like pcs? Buy the latest OS if you want it.

08-24-2005, 05:12 PM
I voted yes...updraded from ppc 2002 to 2003. I just wish that the OEM's would offer upgrades for all of the pda's in their lineup that can be flash upgraded. And not just focusing on their model that came out within the last month. Of course either way, it takes them so long that before the upgrades appear, another year, another model, and another software version has snuck up on us! :cry:

08-24-2005, 05:45 PM
I wanted to upgrade my Dell Axim X5 from WM 2002 to 2003 when I used to use it. The update was only offered for a short time from Dell and wasn't offered anymore when I was looking to upgrade. What the hell is that? Either you offer it or you don't. Please standardize the hardware so we can install WM by ourselves.

08-24-2005, 06:46 PM
why can't it be like pcs? Buy the latest OS if you want it.

Took the words RIGHT out of my mouth. I KNOW that is the way it is now, but must we be doomed to this for all eternity with Windows Mobile? I have a 4355 running Windows Mobile 2003. My tales of upgrades have goen like this:

Casio em500 with PPC 2000. When 2002 came out or around that time was when the big switch happened from ARM, MIPS and SH3 to only ARM. THIS SUCKED. Microsoft screwed this one and NOT Casio. I miss Cassiopia's. They were awesome devices.

Bought a Toshiba e740....the first pda with WiFi. This was a great device, however it was buggier then hell. When 2003 came out, there was no upgrade offered....yet if there was, it would have likely fixed it for good.

Upgraded to a 5555. It was 2003. I bought a CF PLUS Sleeve and was really happy. Loved the 128 MB if ram/storage. SE Came out. NO LOVE from HP.

Upgrade to my 4355. Also a 2003 device at the time, yet newer. It was close to SE release time. However, again, HP provides no joy. I don't care as much at this point because I will get an EVDO based PPC soon. My new every two happens in about a year. I think they let you slide up to 2 months before so next August I may be upgrading my phone to a new PPC. We'll see. I may not need one as work may be purchasing dingleberries soon. So I may go with a BT based handset and stick with what I got.

08-24-2005, 07:42 PM
I upgraded my original 3630 to 2002 and then went from 2002 to 2003 on my 3850. I had finally saved up enough to move up to my "dream" PPC, the 5555 a year ago December and fully expected to see 2003SE available for it. I would have been happy if they'd released it as I was looking forward to landscape mode. I still have my 5555 but my next PPC won't be an HP as it seems they don't really care about their existing customers like Compaq did. I could never find a reasonable excuse as to why the 5555 wouldn't support 2003SE. Now that I see that the new Exchange "push" features will only be supported by WM5 I'll probably wait and finally replace my 5555 with a WM5 device. I was hoping to avoid that on the chance that WM5 would be made available for my MPx220 as I saw early releases running on it. I guess I should have known better as I'd also seen early releases of 2003SE running on a 5555 too. I'm guessing that now that the MPx220's days are numbered Motorola probably won't release WM5 for it <sigh>.

08-24-2005, 09:54 PM
The first update was for a Casio Cassiopeia A-10. It was a daughter card swap that updated the OS from Windows CE 1.0 to 2.0. Next was a Compaq Aero 2180. I believe that was from WinCE 2.0 to PPC 2000; it was a daughter card swap as well. I also upgraded an iPaq 3100 and 3600 from PPC 2000 to 2002. I've never had a single problem with any of the daughter card swaps or the flash updates. Once Dell makes WM 5.0 available for its Axim X50v, I'm sure I'll update mine once again.

- Akeldama

08-24-2005, 10:21 PM
My only update was 2002 for the iPAQ 3630. Since then I've always just bought a new model.

I'm annoyed at HP for the 4700 delay, but I'm not absolutely sure I want to update anyway, at least until someone finds a way to keep WiFi sync capability.

08-25-2005, 12:28 AM
My one upgrade was 2000-2002 on an iPaq 3670.

One (the only?) thing that HP has over Compaq is that when you do a warranty swap, the device you get back has all the latest firmware updates installed. That was never the case with Compaq; every time I received a "new" unit from them, I had to reflash PPC2002 onto it and then apply all the rom updates that the previous unit had before I could restore from the latest Sprite backup.

08-25-2005, 02:06 AM
I upgraded my HP Jornada 568 to 2002. No problems.

08-25-2005, 02:21 AM
only will upgrade if its free =P

08-25-2005, 02:48 AM
why can't it be like pcs? Buy the latest OS if you want it.
If you look at the size of the OS image in ROM, it is much smaller than desktop Windows and one reason is that it typically includes only the device drivers required for the model's specific hardware. That is one way to keep it from eating all the memory available just to store itself, but it does make the device makers responsible for gathering the drivers they need.

MS was pretty vocal about this time last year around the issue of OS updates; they floated the idea of MS issuing updates for the core OS and the makers issuing updates for their added software. It seems to have fallen flat since there has been no change with WM5 in how the OS is released. Could be that there is simply too much to go wrong in the hardware component area for the divided release model to work. Loading the OS without compatible drivers would leave alot of users with very attractive bricks.

08-25-2005, 03:25 AM
indeed i have a 3955 and went from 2002 to 2003... Interestingly, I actually went from a previous ROM by HP prior to that even due to a maintenance issue. The ROM I updated has been the most stable I have yet tested, with notable performance increases, and apps behaving as expected...Follow the instructions and be patient during the ROM load...I also updated my 5555 to free Linux Familiar and had much fun getting that to work, but love the buggy thing anyway..

08-25-2005, 03:27 AM
Its a real pitty. Now, should we be upset with lazy companies for not giving updates or happy with those who spent the time getting it for those lucky few?

The PocketTV Team
08-25-2005, 07:46 AM
There is a item missing in the poll choices:

-Yes, but it failed and my device became a "door stop".

This is what happened when the ROM upgrade failed with our Dell Axim x50v, and it took a month to get it fixed :(

Also, I don't think that this pool really reflect the percentage of Pocket PC users that use ROM upgrades. It reflect the ratio only among the pocketpcthoughts users who post in the forums, and those are "power users".

I think that less than 5% of the overall Pocket PC users install ROM upgrades, and probably the number is less than 1%, and people do it when there is a reall problem, i.e. a significant bug. If the device works fine, people rarely take the risk of breaking something by installing an upgrade.

If it aint broke, don't fix it. And that's a good advice in general.

I'm always nervous just installing so-called "security update" from Microsoft, because several times, they ended up seriously breking important things, like IE.

08-25-2005, 05:11 PM
This poll isn't about ROM updates though, it's about OS upgrades only.

And a month to get it fixed? Couldn't you just do an "advance exchange" with Dell? That only takes a day or 2.

08-25-2005, 06:35 PM
Yes I upgraded my 3630 and my wife's 3650, but the 2210/5's were not eligable even though I had only purchased it a couple months before 2K3SE was released. I was REALLY steamed, and will not buy an HP again. They are too much money with not enough 'life' in them with regards to updates.

right now I have my eye on the Dell x50v, and since Dell offers an upgrade to WM5, that's a bonus.


The PocketTV Team
08-25-2005, 11:28 PM
> This poll isn't about ROM updates though, it's about OS upgrades only.

On Pocket PC, ROM upgrade = OS upgrade.

I have never seen an OS upgrade that did not reflash the flash-ROM, and I've never seen a flash-ROM upgrade that was not an OS upgrade.

Or when you say "OS upgrade", do you mean *MAJOR* OS upgrade only? (e.g. going from Pocket PC 2003 to WM5). I don't think that it is clear from the poll choices.

08-26-2005, 01:24 AM
Yes, the person who started the poll specified he was only talking about major OS upgrades, from 2002-2003 etc.

The PocketTV Team
08-26-2005, 01:32 AM
Yes, the person who started the poll specified he was only talking about major OS upgrades, from 2002-2003 etc.

It's not obvious at all from the title of the poll:

"Have you ever taken advantage of an operating system upgrade?"

I see it's clarified in the thread, but I bet many people will not read the thread first before answering the poll :)

08-26-2005, 01:40 AM
I thought it was clear, "operating system upgrade" to me means "totally new OS", not just a ROM update with minor bug fixes.

08-26-2005, 03:32 AM
I thought it was clear, "operating system upgrade" to me means "totally new OS", not just a ROM update with minor bug fixes.

Agreed. Since when is a ROM update an OS upgrade?

08-27-2005, 12:03 AM
It was clear when I read it.

Don't Panic!
08-27-2005, 12:13 AM
The Operating Systems are Pocket PC, PPC2002, WM2003, WM2003SE.

Who votes in a poll without reading what it's about?

Prime Steak
08-27-2005, 03:45 AM
Who votes in a poll without reading what it's about?

The PocketTV Team! :roll: :lol:

08-27-2005, 04:28 AM
The original message that accompanied the poll said:
By upgrade I mean an actual upgrade made available from your OEM or operator, that upgrades the OS from PPC 2002 to WM2003 and so on. This does not include updates that are issued occasionally that contain fixes, and patches.


08-28-2005, 09:14 PM
You think I would have learned by now. :cry:

When I wasn't able to change my 5555 from WM2003 to SE, I went and purchased a 6315. Less than a year after it was out, WM5 comes along and no upgrade opportunities. :evil: I was hoping (silly me) that HP would have offered upgrades to their newly released models, especially one that cost a pretty penny to begin with.

Begining to think that HP is more interested in my $$ than in my satisfaction. Something must be happening though, since I keep going back. *sigh*

08-29-2005, 03:07 AM
Also, I don't think that this pool really reflect the percentage of Pocket PC users that use ROM upgrades. It reflect the ratio only among the pocketpcthoughts users users".

Well, I think it would be an amazing trick if it showed the results for those who don't read these forums. ;) Pollsters everywhere would be flocking to my door for that secret.

....and yes I stated very clearly that it was for OS upgrades only as bbarker showed.....and yes you would actually have to be a reader of these forums to know that as well. :)
