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View Full Version : Is there anyway to emulate an older win ce system with pocket pc 2002

08-21-2005, 03:18 PM
Is there anyway to emulate an older win ce system with pocket pc 2002??

Thanks ;)

(PS I have a Jornada 568)

08-21-2005, 06:19 PM
Is there anyway to emulate an older win ce system with pocket pc 2002??

Thanks ;)

(PS I have a Jornada 568)

What H/PC (Pro) programs do you plan to use? (Note that no H/PC's and very few H/PC Pro's used ARM processors. Only the Hewlett Packard Jornada 820 (http://www.epinions.com/content_121241570948) comes into the mind as the only ARM-based H/PC Pro.)

Therefore, it's almost impossible you'll be able to make any old H/PC program run because the vast majority of H/PC (Pro) programs are either MIPS or SH3/4 binaries.

(Unless you speak of H/PC 2000 apps, of course. But, they aren't that old.)