View Full Version : Importing Calendars without Outlook
08-17-2005, 02:19 AM
Hello all,
My school uses Novell Groupwise (gwise) and I like the gwise client. I have exported my calendar from Gwise into a tab delimited text file and now wish to import it to my Pocket PC WITHOUT using Outlook.
Does anyone know how to create a pst file from a text file?
Is it then possible to sync the new pst file to my pocket pc without using outlook?
Here is the catch, I do not want to buy any software or use the new beta version of GWise 7.0.
Thanks so much.
08-17-2005, 09:39 AM
Yahoo's address book can be used to sync directly to csv files and also to PDA's. Requires their intellisync plugin and AS running on a PC. HTH since I have no idea what a tab delimited file is. :lol:
08-17-2005, 12:09 PM
... I have no idea what a tab delimited file is. :lol:
A tab delimited file is basically a CSV file where a TAB is used instead of a COMMA to seperate the fields.
You should do the following:
Export contacts from gwise client (in CSV if possible)
Goto Yahoo Mail ( (create an account if you don't already have one) and click on the Addresses down arrow to see the menu.
Select Import Contacts.
Select proper format, either OutLook or Yahoo CSV (
Click the Import Now button.
If you find it necessary to modify the CSV file so the field names match up then you should use a script language such as AWK (my favorite), PERL, PYTHON, or whatever else is easiest for you. If you don't know what I am talking about I would write an AWK script to convert it for you. All I would need is the first line of your exported CSV format to see the format of the fields.
All you have to do is rename the fields in this first line of the CSV file to match exactly the proper fields available in the Yahoo CSV ( format. You could easily do this by hand with an ASCII text editor if we ASS-U-ME that the fields are in the same order. Since this may not be the case then a script processing language is the quickest solution.
NOW to get this data assuming that it is properly imported into Yahoo into your PDA you must simply download the Synchronize software, install it and run it. You must have Microsoft ActiveSynch running before trying to Synchronize. That's all there is to it.
08-17-2005, 01:01 PM
NOW to get this data assuming that it is properly imported into Yahoo into your PDA you must simply download the Synchronize software, install it and run it. You must have Microsoft ActiveSynch running before trying to Synchronize. That's all there is to it.
Thanks for both replies, but because I need to ship a file to several hundred people so they can import the calendar, requiring them to use YaHoo won't keep the natives happy.
Is there any other way?
When I did this for the Palm I had a converter tool that converted my file (tab delimited or csv) into the calendar file which was then just synced into the PDA. The OS saw the file and did the rest, asking whether or not to import the new calendar entries.
The exotic routes are okay for 5-10 users, but when there are 600, I need something a little simpler. BTW, I know perl, so if I can write a script to create the file, that's a good road for me, but I don't know what is needed?
Once again, thanks for the replies.
08-17-2005, 01:57 PM
Thanks for both replies, but because I need to ship a file to several hundred people so they can import the calendar, requiring them to use YaHoo won't keep the natives happy.
Is there any other way?
8O Oh... You might have mentioned that in your original post.
Off hand I don't know of a solution but I will look around and let you know what I find (assuming someone else doesn't have the right answer for you before then).
08-17-2005, 02:34 PM
The Yahoo Mail solution would still work for you.
You create a USER <COMPANY>_<ID> with <PASSWORD> and upload the contacts to the account.
Then every person is sent an email with the USER / PASSWORD with which he logs into Yahoo Mail, downloads the Synchronize software and synchronizes his PDA (ONE-WAY ONLY Yahoo -> PDA).
Viola - he has the data!
08-17-2005, 04:02 PM
I thought Intellisync worked with Groupwise?
Bill B.
08-17-2005, 05:22 PM
I thought Intellisync worked with Groupwise?
Intellisync Handheld Edition for Palm, Pocket PC, and Windows CE ( does indeed work with Groupwise according to whats on the page. But it also costs $70 and he wanted a FREE solution and he doesn't want to have to install a new Groupwise version.
The fine print says:
*Email synchronization is supported for Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Lotus Notes, and Novell GroupWise.GroupWise 6.x email Cabinet folder mapping is not supported. Attachments: Edits to attachments on the device are not synchronized back to the PC. Email attachment support is not available for GroupWise. Complete email attachment support is available only for Pocket PC/Windows CE devices (Palm OS handhelds can forward attachments, but not create, open, or edit them). GroupWise 5.5.4 and require an additional update that can be downloaded from Version 5.5.4 requires gw55puma.exe. Version requires gweppuma.exe.
08-17-2005, 06:49 PM
The exotic routes are okay for 5-10 users, but when there are 600, I need something a little simpler. BTW, I know perl, so if I can write a script to create the file, that's a good road for me, but I don't know what is needed?
Once again, thanks for the replies.
Actually...if the database and device model is the same for all 600.
You yahoo once. Create a backup using the onboard backup utility. duplicate the backup...... repeat as necessary.....I'd suggest SPB Clone and Sprite backup if multiple models are involved. Sprite can make self extracting backups that'll work cross platform....this does involve purchasing so that is a last resort....?
08-17-2005, 09:21 PM
Actually...if the database and device model is the same for all 600.
You yahoo once. Create a backup using the onboard backup utility. duplicate the backup...... repeat as necessary.....I'd suggest SPB Clone and Sprite backup if multiple models are involved. Sprite can make self extracting backups that'll work cross platform....this does involve purchasing so that is a last resort....?
I like this idea especially since all models are the same, but wouldn't this method write over any dates that the end user already has stored in?
08-17-2005, 09:30 PM
I like this idea especially since all models are the same, but wouldn't this method write over any dates that the end user already has stored in?
YES, it would!
08-17-2005, 09:51 PM
YES, it would!
My quest continues.......
ANy other ideas?
BTW, thanks for all the help already.
08-18-2005, 01:39 AM
I found an article by John cody entitled "Creating POOM items using PIE Web pages" ( where he shows how to add a contact to the PocketPC database by simply clicking on a hyperlink on a web page. Unfortunately, this does not work (as written for my PocketPC 2002 device - hp Jornada 568).
He has however created a PocketPC program called Outlook To Go ( that he sells for 7 € which does exactly what you want.
It let's you select various contacts, calander items, tasks, todo's that are then exported to a HTML page. All you need to do is email this page to all of your associates and they must just open it with their PocketPC to add all of the contained data!
:idea: I am tempted to buy the program just to see what changes need to be made from what he already posted in his article.
In his article John used the Javascript function addcontact which as I mentioned didn't work on my PDA. If we knew what needed to be modified it would be a simple matter to write a script that converts your CSV file into a series of contact=pol.createitem(),, statements.
function addcontact()
var pol;
var contacts;
var contact;
var size;
var dup;
pol = new ActiveXObject("pocketoutlook.application");
// contactfind
dup = false;
contacts = pol.GetDefaultFolder(10).items;
size = contacts.count;
while (size > 0) {
contact = contacts.item(size);
if (contact.companyname == "") {
alert ("Duplicate found, Skipping Addition");
dup = true;
// contactadd
if (dup == false) {
contact = pol.createitem(2);
contact.CompanyName = "";
contact.Email1Address = "
[email protected]";
contact.FirstName = "Derek";
contact.LastName = "Mitchell";
contact.webpage = "";
contact.body = " is dedicated to eMbedded Visual Basic (eVB) development for Windows CE devices. We have information on all levels of eVB programming - from seasoned eVB developers to novices just starting out on the Pocket PC or Handheld platform.";;
alert (" has been added to your Contacts!");
// contactdone
He even has a sample page ( available at
I think this would be the ideal solution to your problem. All you do is create a web page (.html file) which you email to all of your associates. They simply open it in their browser to add the data to their database.
08-18-2005, 02:45 AM
This could be what I'm looking for. My JavaScript is poor, but I have been meaning to learn the finer points of it anyway.
If I come up with a working solution, I will post it here.
In the mean time, if anyone else has a better idea, please lay it on me.
Thanks again for the link.
08-18-2005, 08:38 AM
I like this idea especially since all models are the same, but wouldn't this method write over any dates that the end user already has stored in?
YES, it would!You could create a partial backup? Back up contacts only. this would have no effect on a small test....
Put 2 or 3 contacts/dates/data in, backup, hard reset, insert new data, restore from backup and see...My dell has this ability so I still say this should work.
08-18-2005, 09:46 AM
You could create a partial backup? Back up contacts only. this would have no effect on a small test....
Put 2 or 3 contacts/dates/data in, backup, hard reset, insert new data, restore from backup and see...My dell has this ability so I still say this should work.
...but... you forget that his goal is to be able to distribute this list of contacts, appointments, tasks to a large group of people. I believe he isn't worried about how much effort is needed for him to prepare this data but I am sure that he is looking for a one-click solution for his USERS (customer, associates, or whatever).
08-18-2005, 12:59 PM
...but... you forget that his goal is to be able to distribute this list of contacts, appointments, tasks to a large group of people. I believe he isn't worried about how much effort is needed for him to prepare this data but I am sure that he is looking for a one-click solution for his USERS (customer, associates, or whatever).
You are right, a one click solution would be nice, but if something else does work, then its not off the drawing board.
I'm still concerned, however, with this last suggestion. If a user did a full backup followed by a hard reset, then did a partial restore of calendar dates from a file I sent them, and finally restored their full system with the backup they just create, wouldn't that just erase over the calendar dates that were just put in?
08-18-2005, 01:09 PM
You are right, a one click solution would be nice, but if something else does work, then its not off the drawing board.
You could also write a CSV Import Pocket Outlook Add-In (
08-18-2005, 06:40 PM
I'm still concerned, however, with this last suggestion. If a user did a full backup followed by a hard reset, then did a partial restore of calendar dates from a file I sent them, and finally restored their full system with the backup they just create, wouldn't that just erase over the calendar dates that were just put in?
apYes. it would be overwritten. If however the goal was simply to distribute a contact list it would work...The problem is you aren't simply talking about user dates but user contacts, the full blown PI. This cannot be done safely with my idea...
I think your only option now would be to try rhmorrison's suggestion.
Next time delay the handheld release until the data is ready. Tell 'em you need further testing.
09-20-2005, 05:15 PM
Did you ever find a solution to your problem?
09-20-2005, 09:34 PM
Well, I hope so. The javascript solution looks reseasonable but I haven't had time to work it up. I'll let you know if I get a working example.
09-22-2005, 04:30 PM
Well, I hope so. The javascript solution looks reseasonable but I haven't had time to work it up. I'll let you know if I get a working example.
OK, just tell me if you need help and I may code such an impot utility next week.
09-22-2005, 05:28 PM
The javascript solution looks reseasonable but I haven't had time to work it up.
Why don't you just buy the PocketPC program called Outlook To Go ( It only costs 7 € and does exactly what you want. You can select ToDo, Calander, and Contact entries and then an appropriate HTML page is created. Your users open this page with PocketOutlook on their PPC (can actually be on the WWW somewhere or downloaded manually to the device) and then click on the load data button.
That's all there is to it!
09-23-2005, 09:37 AM
The javascript solution looks reseasonable but I haven't had time to work it up.
Why don't you just buy the PocketPC program called Outlook To Go ( It only costs 7 € and does exactly what you want. You can select ToDo, Calander, and Contact entries and then an appropriate HTML page is created. Your users open this page with PocketOutlook on their PPC (can actually be on the WWW somewhere or downloaded manually to the device) and then click on the load data button.
That's all there is to it!
Well, I tried to get the program and ended up emailing the coder of Outlook to Go. This is his response.
sorry, no - a english version is not available.
But it is an old program (from 2003) and it work not
correctly with new Pocket PCs and Internet Explorer.
Back to the drawing board. Thanks for the link anyway.
09-26-2005, 08:20 PM
Well, I hope so. The javascript solution looks reseasonable but I haven't had time to work it up. I'll let you know if I get a working example.
OK, just tell me if you need help and I may code such an impot utility next week.
I would also like the ability to import a calendar without having to use Outlook (or Entourage or iCal). If you could code an import utility, that would be WONDERFUL.
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