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08-09-2005, 04:50 PM
OneMail reads all your webmail, popmail and webpage for PPC - save 30% from PDATopSoft.com



OneMail is the ONLY PDA software that reads all your webmails, popmail and webpage in One Single Click
With OneMail, getting your AOL Mail, YahooMail, HotMail, POP Mail, MSN Mail and your favorite WebPages to your Pocket PC has never been easier!
OneMail is Simple
With OneMail for Palm/PocketPC, you can access all your webmails and favorite Webpages in One Click!
OneMail is Comprehensive
OneMail consolidates YahooMail, MSN, AOL, Hotmail, POP Mail and Webpage to your PDA!
You can read your HTML Email as Text Now - No more funny character and No HTML Viewer Required
it is a no-brainer experience for any users! You will not miss any important HTML email sent to you.