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View Full Version : Better WIFI software for X50v than what comes w/ WM2003SE?

08-08-2005, 09:03 AM
I'm generally frustrated with network detection software that came with my Axim x50v. When multiple networks are available, it picks the first one without allowing me to choose, and it is lacking in features. Is there better 3rd party software that can do the job? Thanks.

Darius Wey
08-08-2005, 09:27 AM
Hitchhiker (http://www.kasuei.com/hitchhiker/) is a great application for painfree wireless network connecting. It's free too.

08-09-2005, 06:40 AM
I'm having problems with hitchhiker using a compactflash Wi-fi card on my 2210. Any other apps?

Darius Wey
08-09-2005, 09:42 AM
I'm having problems with hitchhiker using a compactflash Wi-fi card on my 2210. Any other apps?

There's also WiFiFoFum (http://www.aspecto-software.com/WiFiFoFum/) which is more of a network scanner than a zero-config tool, but it does the job.

08-11-2005, 06:38 PM
I'm having problems with hitchhiker using a compactflash Wi-fi card on my 2210. Any other apps?

I'm having trouble with my 2210, too. Of course my networking skills are laughable. Hitchhiker will not list any available networks, yet I'm sitting right next to our wireless router, so..... ?
I don't know if having MAC address control on the router is partially to blame- I think so, but I'm not sure.
Does a PPC have a MAC address? I'm trying to figure this out.

Argggh... I'm so bleepin' frustrated.

- Heather

P.S. After posting this, I did another forum search and I think I'm finally getting somewhere on this "problem". I'm still frustrated, but I'm feeling hopeful!