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View Full Version : Women's Wall Street 1st Annual Survey of Gadgets & Gizmos

08-03-2005, 02:00 PM
I subscribe to the Women's Wall Street Journal online. This morning's email brought me their "1st Annual Survey of Gadgets & Gizmos That We Can't Live Without". A PocketPC is listed as an option on a question directed to Moms only and again; "I would most like to throw my partner's _____ out the window". See the survey here: http://www.womenswallstreet.com/tools_resources/quizzes_surveys/DetailSurvey.aspx?surveyid=59

Jon Westfall
08-03-2005, 02:23 PM
Some interesting results as of this morning (If you want to see the results, just go there and click "Submit" without checking any answers, you'll eventually get to the results)

1. Do you feel such technology as cell phones and BlackBerrys makes life:

Less stressful

More stressful

My stress level has remained the same

Guess that goes to show that cell phones haven't ruined our lives.

6. What new technology do you think will be standard in the next five years?

TiVo/Digital recorders

Satellite radio

GPS Navigation/(OnStar) in cars

Camera/Video phones

Bluetooth wireless technology

So Far Bluetooth is second to GPS - but higher than Camera phones. Maybe people are starting to see it's uses?