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View Full Version : ActiveSync via Ethernet

08-02-2005, 04:42 PM
Is Microsoft dropping Ethernet support in ActiveSync? I was reading an article on Pocket PC FAQ here - http://www.pocketpcfaq.com/faqs/activesync/activesync3.8.htm and http://www.pocketpcfaq.com/faqs/activesync/activesync4.0.htm

Even newer versions of the OS (now Windows Mobile 2005) has made it difficult according to an article here -

With so many devices starting to have WiFi built-in, it looks like we are going to lose a powerful and fast sync tool.

Bill B.

08-02-2005, 05:57 PM
Is Microsoft dropping Ethernet support in ActiveSync?



Sven Johannsen
08-02-2005, 06:36 PM
echoing applejosh, yes, but it is not the OS that restricts it, it is AS on the desktop that has done so. AS 4.0 no longer supports network sync. Unfortunately WM5 requires AS 4, so the result is...

WM5 does still support network sync to an Exchange Server (big deal to most of us :( ), so it is not inherently gone in the OS. The indicated reason was security concerns in the sync conduit on the desktop AS. Any security concerns are high priority, and removing the capability was apparently the quick solution. I don't think it means it is gone forever, but I have no inside insight to back that up. I think it would be reasonable to provide an option to allow or disallow network sync and make it manageable with group policies for enterprise users on both the PC and PPC. As a private user, it would be my decision to activate it or not. There is entirely too much emphasis on restricting my activity to save me from myself. (Not just in tech BTW).

08-02-2005, 07:41 PM

Thanks for the reference. I did search but did not find this thread.

Bill B.

08-03-2005, 02:34 PM
It really burns me that MS didn't have the foresight to give users, after addressing the security issue, the option to disable or enable the feature. I mean, we have the choice to use or not use WEP, and have the option to use and not use an anti-virus application, and the option to download MS Antispyware. So why keep this option out of the loop? After 3 months of hearing, reading, and trying AS4 (for 5 minutes), there are still too many unanswered questions. So no upgrades for me or my clients any time soon.

Yes, I have ready through every post on that 12 page thread here and I must side to those dissatisfied with MS's decision.