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View Full Version : Wifi Active Sync Troubles with Linksys WRTG & XP SP2

07-21-2005, 05:23 PM
Hello all, first let me appologize for making this thread, I searched for 30 minutes and kept pulling up posts on Sony PSP vs Nintendo DS for some reason, when I queried "wifi activesync."

In any case, I was hoping someone here can help me fix this little bugger.

For starters, I can browse wirelessly, and even access local folders just fine, however I simply cannot activesync. I recieve an error that asks if my proxy settings are correct, of if I'm on dialup. ?

My setup:

iPAQ 4155
Linksys WRTG
Windows XP SP2

What I've done:
Linksys - forwarded all of Activesync's ports to my host PC

XP SP2 - WINS/Enabled NetBios over TCP (running a static ip) and disabled XP firewall

Activesync- Enabled "Allow activesync over RAS or Ethernet Connection"

I reckon that should have gotten me syncing, but still no such luck. Anyone with my similar setup or woes hammer out this problem already?

Thanks in advance