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View Full Version : What is the Best GPS Software to Use w/ XDA and Digitraveler GPS?

07-16-2005, 12:15 AM
I am in the process of getting a Digitravelr GPS unit, what is the best GPS Software for the XDA? This is a original XDA running 2003...thanks!

Sven Johannsen
07-17-2005, 03:48 AM
Best is a relative term. Where are you and what do you intend to do with the software.

I hope you are getting the appropriate cable with your DigiTraveler. It is a wired serial output.

07-17-2005, 05:36 AM
I was able to find the right cable, thanks. I am new to GPS so I didnt think to post that good point.

I am in the US and will be traveling here and possibly Europe. Will be traveling in a car or ferry 100% of the time, no hiking, etc. Thanks.

Sven Johannsen
07-18-2005, 03:04 AM
Most Mapping or Navigation software just relies on the GPS sending a standardized set of information to the PPC in a serial format. The most common is NMEA (National Maritime Electronics Assoc. or something similar). All it really provides is where you are. Yea it does number of satellites, signal quality, etc, but the important part is where you are. If the software can accept that input, the rest of the wiz-bang capability is up to the software. If it knows where you were a second ago, and where you are now, it can calculate direction, speed, etc and plot it on a map.

The ability to find a route for you has nothing to do with GPS. Once you have a route though the GPS is needed to see if you are on it.

So assuming you want the usual navigation stuff, finding places, routes between them, and instructions how to get there, supported by the GPS based capabilities you have a great number of choices. The reality is that what is going to cost you is the maps. Sometimes it is just a big bulk package, sometimes you can get subsets of just what you need.

I personally like Mapopolis, and it would serve you well in the US and Europe, though those are two different map sets.

As a relatively inexpensive option, DeLorme's Street Atlas Handheld isn't bad. An early version of it shipped with the DigiTraveler. I don't believe there is any European map support though.

There are lost of others. www.gpspassion is a good place for reviews. You can use pretty much anything that supports NMEA input.

07-18-2005, 11:56 AM
Thank you Sven! Great response, I guess I forgot all the possibilites with GPS. I will take a closer look at Mapopolis and gpspassion.com.

07-24-2005, 12:48 PM
I tried iGuidance with an iTrek M3 on an Audiovox vx6600 and was pretty impressed. As it turns out, I'll sale the software to you for $75. Its practically brand new.

I bought a new car 2 days ago and leading up to that, I was planning on getting a car without navigation -- using my PPC with the iTrek and iGuidance instead. I just purchased those things and tried them out for 3-4 days and was impressed. Unfortunately, the car dealship couldn't get the car I wanted so I had to go to other dealers where the car only came with navigation. Long story short, I bought a car with navigation and dont really need the PPC navigation.

There is an upside though. I'm now in a position to compare iGuidance and the PPC to my cars built in nav. Turns out iGuidance is more powerful and has more options than my cars software. Also the cars text input method is a pain compared to the PPC. The only disadvantage to the PPC is the screen is small and it takes a little time to physically hook up the PPC (put it in the car mount, hook up wires for power/stereo etc).
