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View Full Version : What Do You Do With Installers?

Jon Westfall
07-16-2005, 02:05 PM
Sitting on my desktop right now are several Pocket PC and Smartphone install files. These installers will be carefully moved to a special folder I have labled "Mobile Device Apps" and kept for most likely eternity. When a new version comes out, I'll end up copying the new installer into the folder, and unless the name of the installer is the same, I'll now have an old and new copy. The folder gets bigger.<br /><br />And when I get a new device, the lunacy continues: I don't go splunking through my folder to find the newest installer for each app - I go download each one again (In case there have been minor revisions or bug fixes). Now I add another batch of installers to the folder.<br /><br />Why do I do this? I'm not quite sure. I think it's the thought "What if I need to setup my device again and I don't have access to the internet". This scenario is pretty unlikely. Maybe it's just a throwback from the days of dialup where I held the motto "If I took the time to download this thing, I might as well keep it so I don't have to redownload it". <br /><br />And the folder grows. Installers, sprite backup files, themes, SDKs (Man they take up space) and more. At current count it's up to around 3 GB all by itself 8O <br /><br />So my poll question, dear readers, is what do you do with installers? Do you just delete them and redownload later? Do you keep them forever? Do you actually have a filing system for them? Vote and post your experiences, and if any of you have any suggestions for me - let me know!

07-16-2005, 02:11 PM
I used to do exactly what you described above. Then I came to the same realization that you did. Why? Now I just delete them soon after installing. If I need to reinstall I just download the latest version. Handango rocks!

It's a good thing Dell comes out with new ROMs every once in a while. Otherwise I'd never update my apps.

07-16-2005, 02:13 PM
Now I have broadband (happy days) I just junk them as soon as I have installed...unless I know for a fact that it is a special full, registered version of something that is going to be needed to later perform an upgrade to a newer version etc...

When I was on dialup I would save those files like they were made of gold, because it was such a pain to redownload everything.

Most of my software comes from Handango, so I can always redownload something in the event.

07-16-2005, 02:21 PM
I save them on cd-roms, along with the serial numbers, etc.

It's good to know that if at any time in the future I need to break out the TextMaker, MP3 player, image visualisers and plug-ins and anything else for a brand new PDA, or because I screw up the present one and need to reinstall favourite items, there they are.

Darius Wey
07-16-2005, 02:31 PM
Wow Jon, I thought it was just me. 8O

Although I have a broadband connection, I still tend to download most reasonably-sized installers and move them from my laptop to the server, regardless of whether or not I've saved them in the past. I guess I still have a bit of dial-up thinking in me. Somewhere hidden in that half a terabyte of system files, program files and personal documents and media, is a disorganised mess of rotten installers dating back to 2000. Deary, me. ;)

Steve Jordan
07-16-2005, 02:38 PM
I do some of both... if I can run the install from their site, I'll do that. If not, I tend to throw my installs in an "APPS" file, too. I do try to go through and throw out old versions of the same SW (like a Netscape 6.2 install I discovered not long ago), so I keep the file size down (only about 300MB right now).

My problem is, sometimes the file name doesn't immediately suggest the SW being installed, so I'm not sure what it is unless I actually restart the install! (Everybody say "duh"...)

07-16-2005, 02:59 PM
They just go into the "My Downloads" folder along with everything else I download from the 'net. My unlock codes are sitting in my Inbox in the messages I receive from either Handango or the vendor. This system has worked fine for me thus far, and I'm not worried about space anymore since hard drives are so cheap, so I just leave the files there, even multiple versions of the same.

Before my hard drive can fill up, I will most certainly be in the market for a new 'puter. I will then archive my emails (into a .pst folder) and "My Documents" folder to an external drive to refer back to them any time I need them, and start from scratch on the "My Documents" folder of the new 'puter.

Lather, rinse and repeat. :mrgreen:

07-16-2005, 03:02 PM
All but a handful of apps I copy out of the PPC Program Files directory into a Stand-Alone directory on my device or Storage Card.

The Today plug-ins, special drivers and SIP's that I cannot copy to the Stand-Alone directory, I find the CAB file and place it into a special CABs directory located in my Stand-Alone folder.

When upgrading to a new device, I simply copy the Stand-Alone directory to the new device and all my programs are there!

At this point, I really don't need to save the installs at all so...I recycle 'em.

Jason Lee
07-16-2005, 03:13 PM
i do the exact same thing. everything i download gets dropped into a folder for ppc apps. i also have a folder on my storage card called backup apps. it contains cabs and exes of programs i use or freeware apps that i like to share with new ppc users to make their lives better. ;)

i do most of my downloading at work and bring the files home as i am still on dialup.

07-16-2005, 03:23 PM
Like the author of this thread I use a special folder for my install files, but this goes beyond the Pocket PC. Everything I download is saved and later archived. The main folder is broken down into OS (Win, OS X, PPC, etc.), and then again into Freeware, Shareware, Licensed Apps, etc.

Every version of every download is saved. If a file that I download does not have its version in the filename, I put it there. This ensures that I don't overwrite older versions during future downloads (and it's a practice that has saved my hide on more than one occasion). Once the main directory hits about 4.5 GB (usually 3 or 4 times per year) the whole thing is burned to DVD.

I know this is a bit obsessive, but the system works well and I’ve been able to downgrade to versions that are no longer available when needed.

07-16-2005, 03:27 PM
I have a server (plus a backup) that stores all the PocketPC, Palm and Smartphone apps I have collected over the years as well as electronic books, audio, music files etc. I have over three hundred titles, of which 50-60 may be installed on my PPC at any one time. I also have about 200 media files and about as many MP3's. Serial numbers are stored in an eWallet database. So, as you can see, the "download them as I need them" method wouldn't work for me :)

I don't actively search for new versions (except for a few of my more critical, heavily used apps). But if I come across news of one (like for instance when sites like PPC Thoughts tell of a new version of a product), I will update my library accordingly.

I figure I could probably whack half those 300 apps that are outdated and will never be installed again. But I also figure, since I got the space...and hey, you never know :)

07-16-2005, 03:56 PM
Yeah I have a special folder too ... .but I lean on the slightl;y more obsessive...

I have an Internet Downloads folder.
This has numerous folders for specific programs or vendors - e.g. Macromedia or Authorware.
I also have subfolders for various things, including PocketPC.
The PocketPC folder has subfolders for each application and/or vendor ... depends on what it is and where it came from.
Serials are usually there with the application.
I usually plan to delete old versions of files as I download updates, but often I forget.

I also keep emails containing serials. Again, in folders in my inbox. Main folder is Purchases, subfolders for where bought - e.g. eBay, Handango etc or item, e.g Skype, XML Spy.

Sounds obsessive I know, but it means I can find anything in about 10 seconds. Which leaves me time to play Masters of Soduko :-)

Jon Westfall
07-16-2005, 04:11 PM
Good to know I'm not alone on this. As Darius pointed out, I think it's still a bit of Dialup thinking that makes us keep these things. One person noted that they keep their serials in their Inbox, which made me shutter (If I had all those emails still in my inbox, it would be bursting at the seams). You stick around this PPC thing enough, you eventually accumulate a lot of software!

07-16-2005, 04:37 PM
The PPC stuff is but a tiny drop inthe ocean.

I have around 4 Gb of emails - lots of large files go back and forth between me and clients, and the 140Gb HDD space on my laptop is over 3/4 full ...less than 1 Gb of that is PPC stuff and I have No Music on this machine!!

Darius Wey
07-16-2005, 05:03 PM
Good to know I'm not alone on this. As Darius pointed out, I think it's still a bit of Dialup thinking that makes us keep these things. One person noted that they keep their serials in their Inbox, which made me shutter (If I had all those emails still in my inbox, it would be bursting at the seams). You stick around this PPC thing enough, you eventually accumulate a lot of software!

Actually, I used to rely on emails for my serial numbers as well, but now I've created a trusty spreadsheet for all my PC and Pocket PC serial numbers. Never fails me. Another good idea is to store them in a secure wallet like FlexWallet or CodeWallet. That's what they're for. ;)

I have around 4 Gb of emails - lots of large files go back and forth between me and clients, and the 140Gb HDD space on my laptop is over 3/4 full ...less than 1 Gb of that is PPC stuff and I have No Music on this machine!!

Don't worry. You're not alone. My inbox is about to burst too. :P

07-16-2005, 05:07 PM
I keep all mine in a folder "PPC installs" So when I rebuild a device or receive a new one I simply go to tools/add remove programs in Activesync, and run down the list picking the ones I want. Very simple. Very effective.


07-16-2005, 05:42 PM
Just recently, I went and redownloaded all the installers for all the programs for my PPC, and organized them into folders with their serials in text files. I did this mostly as preparation for getting my x50v, but I think I will continue this just in case... :wink:

Clinton Fitch
07-16-2005, 05:54 PM
I'm in a similar situation but it is compounded by the nature of my site.

Because my site is a reviews only site, I participate in a lot of beta programs, pre-release type things with various developers. So not only do I have the different versions - I have the different Beta Versions!


You would think that I could manage to make mysself part with Beta 1 of whatever application... but nope!

07-16-2005, 06:42 PM
I have a four USB Hdd's. A 120gb and 200Gb one holds apps and mm files respectively. A 60gb 2.5" portable unit gets selectively synced with these for mm and apps files that I use the most.

I wrote a app for my server that detects the 2.5 when it's attached, syncs it then ejects it and then plays a sound (as the servers headless).

My final usb drive holds all my archive stuff that I won't use again. That stays off until the two other drives are full. I ALWAYS delete older copies of files but not until I see two revisions.

I do this for all files be they pocket pc or pc files.

The portable 2.5 goes everywhere with my laptop/gear bag.

07-16-2005, 07:27 PM
I think I do something close to what Allen mentioned in a prior post.

First I should say that I do not have a desktop partnership established on my PPC with either my home or work computer. At work I have the option of using our MSFT Exchange server to sync calendar &amp; contacts so I just use that for the most part.

As for applications:
- When I get a new app I activesync (as guest) to a computer
- Install it and then immediately look for the cab file that was installed.
- I then have a folder that I keep all of my cab files in on my SD card.
- If I need to do a hard reset on my device; say while traveling (which has happened) I copy all the cab I want to install to a different directory on my SD card.
- Using this method I can (and have) done a hard reset after getting on a plane and then set my device up with all my favorite apps before I hit the ground. Once on the ground I use my Bluetooth phone and then sync to my current calendar &amp; contacts. Actually, I really do not need to do that b/c I have my PIM data backed up.

I am not sure if this helps anyone, but I got tired of always keeping track of the install exe files and I wanted to be completely desktop independent.

Desktop we don't need no stinking desktop.

07-16-2005, 08:05 PM
I have a folder specific to Pocket PC downloads. Everything else goes into a jumbled Downloads folder directlly above it in the directory tree.

When I do a Sprite backup, I go through that Pocket PC downloads folder. Desktop installers go onto a CD-RW dedicated to my Pocket PC and cab files (snagged from the desktop install) go onto a SD card. When a major revision of a Pocket PC app is released, the previous desktop installer (or cab, where the developer supplies cab files) goes into an Older folder on the CD-RW.

All registration codes go into a FlexWallet file.

07-16-2005, 08:44 PM
I have categorized folders on my PC for the type of applications:

These are the same categories I put my shortcuts in on my PPC or Smartphone in the the Start Menu.

On my PC, under each category folder is folder for each app with the installer, extra files and a text file with the reg code. I also append the applications folder name with:

for Registered programs, freeware, and shareware.

Seems like alot, but I have soooo many PPC/Smartphone apps downloaded that I need to do this to organize them.

07-16-2005, 09:19 PM
My PPC folder with all my apps and stuff is 998Mb!!!! 8O

Jason Lee
07-17-2005, 06:48 AM
i was digging through my ppc folder on my desk top and found i still have several apps and patches for my wince 1.0 hpc and lots for my wince 2.11 jornada 430se. both of which i still have. lol one patch is to update my ce 1 hpc for y2k. have to have that to even use it these days!

07-17-2005, 06:53 AM
I still have apps that I downloaded when I got my Jornada 545. Even have stuff for my year-gone Jornada 680e HPC. Now that HPC was neat. Crap screen, but with a b/i modem, WiFi Card, and a whopping 64Mb CF it was great!

07-18-2005, 03:16 PM
My scenario is a convoluted mix of many things others are probably doing.

I keep most downloads (Pocket PC and PC) for eternity. Sometimes it's because some vendors just go away over time, and I wouldn't want to lose a favorite utility or app because of that. Besides, I still have old Pocket PCs that, though retired from my hip, have been converted to household devices (my iPAQ 3600 w/ 2002 upgrade is set up to wirelessly stream audio into my living room receiver - my iPAQ 3800 is being setup as a kitchen recipe finder from an internal web archive). Since some apps lose their usefulness for day-to-day tasks, sometimes being creative with the useage of outdated tools on older devices.

I keep serial numbers in a combination of places, mostly because I'm forgetful when it comes to putting them all into eWallet.

I also pull the .CAB file of "critical" apps and pop them on an SD card in case of emergency (PDA failure/damage) for quick recovery.

My download structure tends to be in the following format:

(Root of archived data structure)
(Downloads root folder)
(Target OS .. Windows, Pocket PC, Linux, etc)
(Application Name)
(Folder name based on application version)

I've been using this from dial-up days of yore, and just can't move on from it. I will, from time to time, archive this directory structure to DVD (hated the days of CD-only options, or worse, floppies!) just because I have lost a drive or two over time (and lots of data with them).

07-18-2005, 03:30 PM
Generally, when I install any application or upgrade, I will collect the cab. file and copy it to my CF. Most of the time I overwrite the old cab. file or delete it to save space.
Right now I have about 80mb of cab files on my pda which are used anytime I expierience a hard reset.
I also use cabistal to install most of these cab. files to BIS.
I have all my serials stored in Flexwallet.

07-18-2005, 04:57 PM
I do the save thing, and have a complete file structre. Not just PPC though, any downloaded software. I even have a Tower of Hanoi backup scheme for the very important stuff.

The reason is not for lack of internet, but for lack of source.

Example. I am a big fan of making backups of my dvds, because I also happen to be a big fan of forgetting to put them back in thier cases and they get all sticky with unidentifiable stuffs.

The software i use was a freeware dvd decrypting software. This software has recently completely been pulled from the internet and is extremely difficult to find. The next time i reinstall my OS, i would be at a loss for this functionality if I did not have this installer backed up.

Handango may disappear one day, taking all your serials and installers with them if you havent backed them up.

07-18-2005, 05:25 PM
Handango may disappear one day, taking all your serials and installers with them if you havent backed them up.

Sad but true.

Jon Westfall
07-18-2005, 06:57 PM
Handango may disappear one day, taking all your serials and installers with them if you havent backed them up.

Sad but true.

Yes, but by the time Handango is gone, it's likely that these apps will be unneeded. Case &amp; Point: I still have some installers from 1998 from freeware apps that I loved and are now out of circulation (i.e. manufacturer's decided to become dirt farmers instead of developers). While I still have these apps, I don't use them anymore: there are newer and (in most cases) freeware open source apps to do the same thing these did. So by the time Handango leaves us, dell axim x50v's will most likely cost $25 on ebay, IMHO.

07-18-2005, 07:20 PM
That assumes I have updated my PDA in 5 years :-)

As a developer I have a large collection of older software titles. Many of my clients are welded into using a particular version of a tool and I have to be able to be compatible with them. It is not that long ago since I finally stopped hearing of clients expecting me to support Windows 3.1!!!

So whilst as a consumer I don't have so much need to 'support' older software and devices, I am still reluctant to let go of keeping backup copies of everything. Happily, I am more able to throw away consumer software once it is no longer needed :)

07-18-2005, 10:29 PM
Generally, when I install any application or upgrade, I will collect the cab. file and copy it to my CF. Most of the time I overwrite the old cab. file or delete it to save space.
Right now I have about 80mb of cab files on my pda which are used anytime I expierience a hard reset.
I also use cabistal to install most of these cab. files to BIS.
I have all my serials stored in Flexwallet.

I started doing this about 2 months ago too, and it is great. Whenever I hard reset, reinstalling takes a fraction of the time compared to installing everything from the PC. I erased the old cab too, and cabinstall works great to put everything in the right place.