View Full Version : Any reason I should upgrade my HP2215 for something new?
06-28-2005, 03:20 PM
Haven't looked at anything new in a while. If I replaced it I would want something same size or preferably smaller/thinner. Anything new I should look at or do I still have an adequte machine? Also have to have bluetoooth.
06-28-2005, 03:37 PM
Hi You want get the New one or you want to do the ROM upgrade?
WIth rom upgrade wou will find only some fixes and good speed.
WIth new device !!! It depend upon you which device you want to purchase.
Janak Parekh
06-28-2005, 04:31 PM
Haven't looked at anything new in a while. If I replaced it I would want something same size or preferably smaller/thinner. Anything new I should look at or do I still have an adequte machine? Also have to have bluetoooth.
Most of the new Pocket PCs have Bluetooth, so you're good there. However, if you want something smaller, it's not going to have VGA. What exactly are you looking for, apart from VGA, that your iPAQ 2215 doesn't have? Integrated WiFi would be the other thing.
That said, if you're happy with your unit right now I'd suggest you wait a little while; Windows Mobile 5 was just released, and WM5 units will be coming presumably by Q4 or the beginning of next year (hopefully before, but we'll see).
Robb Bates
06-28-2005, 06:33 PM
I upgraded from a 2215 to a Dell X50v. Here are my thoughts:
Glad I upgraded because:
Faster CPU
Rockin' video performance
More usable Flash ROM
Slightly better four-way pad
No more dealing with rubber side grip issues
Not so glad I upgraded because:
Slightly bigger unit
Slightly heavier unit
Sightly less battery life
QVGA/VGA compatibility issues
Now I have rubber feet issues
Doesn't fit as nicely in my belt case
Overall I'm quite glad I upgraded, and I only did it because I had the money at the time. But if I hadn't, I don't think I would have missed out on that much. I'm sure I could have gotten away with keeping my 2215 for another year or so. The only thing you're really missing out on is WiFi (CF card will fix that) and VGA (needs to mature a bit). Your device is still quite adequate for just about everything.
We'll see how much WM5 will encourage you to upgrade.
As long as you're not DYING to upgrade, I'd wait a little bit until some more units come out. Take a look at that UTC Universal (sp?). It looks like a sweet device. It has one of everything.
Don't Panic!
06-28-2005, 06:33 PM
The really small thin devices coming out are Pocket PC Phone Edition devices.
06-28-2005, 06:51 PM
it's really useless to upgrade right now because of their not being much devices with extraordinary more benificial capabilities, and I think we are on the verge of PDA device evolution, I think PPC's are going to come out with more storage, ie hard drive and more communications ability. And that's my quandry also, I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for todays divice when an emergence of converged devices are right around the corner.
But i'm really dying to get one, but i'll hold out, the hp65XX came close, but just missed the bar. 0X
I too am hanging onto my 2215. If I were to buy one tomorrow, it would probably be the Axim x50v mostly because of the integrated Wifi, but it's not like I need it with a CF card in my case when I want it.
I've looked at the 65xx or trying to get a hold of an iMate off of ebay or something, but I think I have a BT cell phone in my nearer future than a new PPC. With BT properly configured, I should be able to GPRS my way around until something truely compelling is released. So far that has not been the case.
my 2c
06-29-2005, 07:34 AM
I also have 2215..Its still working gr8 for me.
I will still suggest u not to upgrade. :devilboy:
06-29-2005, 11:44 PM
I have a 2215 and have been looking to upgrade to a newer pda with some more features, but at the moment there isn't anything out there that I think is worth forking out the extra money for......I'm going to be holding onto it for the time being.....
06-29-2005, 11:47 PM
I have a 2215 and have been extremely happy with it. I was in Frys the other day and they had an HP4700 sitting in the demo area. At first, I thought it had a fake pasted in picture for the screen. Turns out it wasn't, it was a pic on the unit. The VGA was amazing compared to the 2215.
I'm going to upgrade, but not until WM5 is out.
06-30-2005, 06:22 AM
apart from the sidegrip issue, i have never seen anybody complaining about 2215, performance,stability, durability, about nothing.
i am sticking with this pda too, because i know when i upgrade to a VGA device, i will get myself into trouble. Compatibility issues will arise, some programs wont correctly work on VGA screen.
The most important thing for me is stability, and as far as my 2215 operates stable, i wont upgrade.
07-01-2005, 06:27 PM
I upgraded from a 2215 , which I still Have, to a Dell Axim 30. I'm kindof kicking myself that I did'nt get the 50v becasue I do use it alot for movies, and also now the x30 won't have an 2005 update. When I updated it was for the speed and the built in Wifi. I do miss the 2215 dual Card slots, I'd have a 4gb CF Drive right now. I've decided I'm sticking with the 2215 until PPC's get Hard Drives. Now that Palm has fired the first shot I hope its soon.
07-01-2005, 07:40 PM
I upgraded from a Hp2215 to a Toshiba e830... the reason was for one thing only, the VGA screen. I have to admit it was great to have the jog wheel back... and the dual wireless onboard, but mainly it was for the VGA. I wanted the additional real estate... and in that regard the device has been great. The major reason that got me to convert was the pricing... I was able to get it for about $450 canadian.
Was it worth it...? The short answer was YES... if the pricing was not as low as it was would I have waited... YES. There are alot of trade-offs... mainly speed... I find the Toshiba to be quite a bit slower than my Hp2215... but I think that you will find this to be the case with all the VGA models... they just need to do more processing.
If your on a tight budget and have no need to upgrade at this time... DON'T, WM5 is just around the corner and you can see what it brings to the table. I personally do not see the gigantic strides that others seem to expect... OS's in general are slow in evolving it seems... and those for the PPC are no different. Its usually the hardware that provide the wow factor... and so far there is time to wait for the next round of devices. The current crop are promising prototypes... the next round of devices should be able to build on this footprint and provide for better units. Though in saying this... what was HP thinking...?
Laura Rooke
07-02-2005, 05:40 PM
So the 4700 would be the way to go, as it has integrated WiFi, Bluetooth, and the VGA screen. But I would agree with the others that it might be best to wait for the newer models that come with WM5.
07-03-2005, 02:24 AM
So the 4700 would be the way to go, as it has integrated WiFi, Bluetooth, and the VGA screen. But I would agree with the others that it might be best to wait for the newer models that come with WM5.
Well the hx4700 will get WM 5.0 upgrades - as will the Dell Axim X50v and FSC Loox 720. All of those will come with WM 5.0 pre-installed in two or three months time. The VGA HTC Universal will be out by Autumn - and at least one other VGA PPC will be appearing late Autumn.
In short - no-one really loses by jumping in now - but if one can be patient there are good things coming...
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