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View Full Version : Views On RSS readers please

Shaun Stuart
06-27-2005, 07:18 PM
I am looking for the best RSS reader for pocket PC and would appreciate your thoughts

I am currently trying Egress which is quite good and I like the today plugin - the only problem is since installing the today plugin it seems to drastically reduce battery life.

Anyone know of any fixes or alternatives ?


06-27-2005, 07:32 PM
I am biased, but I think FeederReader is one of the best RSS readers for the Pocket PC, especially if you want to download audio and/or video podcasts. FeederReader does not, however, have a Today plugin.

There are lots of screen shots and how-tos and Getting Started pages at www.FeederReader.com, as well as an active forum where I assist all my users ("Forums" on the sidebar at www.FeederReader.com).

Greg Smith
Author, FeederReader - Pocket PC *direct* RSS text, audio, video, podcast
www.FeederReader.com - Download on the Road

06-27-2005, 09:34 PM
I've used PocketRSS 2.x, Egress and NewsBreak. I currently use NewsBreak as I think it's a wonderful app (except for the lack of ability to mark a single item as unread) but overall I think that Egress is the best out of the three (just don't ask me why I don't use it if I think it's so great ;) ) My biggest gripe with Egress is the fact that configuring the Today plugin is somewhat unintuitive.

Regarding battery life, I recommend setting it up to not cycle headllines. When I had it installed, I had it setup to display only the number of unread items and it had little to no effect on battery life.

06-27-2005, 10:29 PM
I'll second Feeder Reader. It's still technically a beta, and it's not the cleanest, but it's ability to update podcasts makes it my favorite freeware. Also the forums at feederreader are very helpful, and they do a great job of supporting their product even though its free.